No. 2192-Z                                                                      November 29, 2011


In accordance with Standing Order 19, you are hereby notified that the formal call for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors, January 13-14, 2012, will be sent on or about December 13.

Please note the provisions of Article 10 of the ARRL Articles of Association:

Our meeting will be held at the Hartford/Windsor Airport Marriott, 88 Day Hill Rd., Windsor, CT.

A group dinner is scheduled for Thursday evening, January 12. The Board meeting will begin at 9:00 AM Friday and is expected to be completed by dinnertime Saturday. Expenses related to Board Meeting attendance and travel will only be reimbursed for Thursday through Sunday. Should your membership on a committee require you to arrive earlier to attend a meeting of that committee, the additional expenses will be charged to the appropriate committee account.

Standing Order 04-1.39 (amended January 2005) reads: "The Board of Directors authorizes the attendance of Vice Directors at Board meetings. Expenses for attendance will be chargeable to the Board Meeting account."

I look forward to seeing you and to our having another productive meeting.

Sincere 73,

David Sumner, K1ZZ