Vol. 38, No. 25
September 3, 2014 — Covers the period August 24-30.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
September 29-October 3 – ARRL HQ
Executive Committee:
October 4 @ 8:30am – Memphis, TN
LoTW Study Committee
November 14 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT
Administration & Finance Committee
November 15 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT
Director/Vice Director Elections
November 21
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Diane Petrilli reports that August ended with 164,590 members, a gain of 227 over July (a gain of 81 was forecasted). We have 1,942 members over the year-to-date goal. 73.86% of August 2014 expirees paid on
time (vs. 73.05% last Aug). Our centennial exhibit at the Huntsville Hamfest contributed 50 new members, and our mailings to new licensees contributed the largest source of new members during the month.
Jackie Ferreira reports that August product sales were at $208,272, exceeding the sales forecast of $192,061. Direct sales were $110,623; dealer sales were $98,249. Direct sales are up $22k and dealer sales
$9k from August 2013. Year to date sales are $2,106,102. Sales at our exhibit at the Huntsville Hamfest contributed $8,135 to direct sales. The new book Arduino for Ham Radio contributed $11,167 (443 units).
Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa):
Week ending |
Packages fulfilled |
Member Premiums |
8/29/2014 |
882 |
512 |
8/22/2014 |
1,447 |
140 |
8/15/2014 |
607 |
382 |
8/8/2014 |
578 |
437 |
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time |
6 Weeks |
Logbook Processing Time |
2-4 Business Days |
Field Organization/Public Service Team
Chuck returned from a successful state convention in Salina, KS. While there he was able to meet with the State Official Observer Coordinator along with Honorary Vice President Bruce Frahm, KØBJ; Rod Blocksome
KØDAS Midwest Vice Director; Ron Cowan, KBØDTI Kansas Section Manager and Mike Albers KØFJ, Assistant Section Manager. Chuck also conducted one morning code practice session at W1AW and assisted several visitor operators.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
All Staff 11/27-11/28 Holiday
All Staff 12/25-12/26 Holiday
Leona Adams 9/2-9/5 PTO
Bob Allison 10/9-10/12 Florida State Convention, Melbourne, FL
Lauren Clarke 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA
Steve Ewald 8/29-9/5 North Carolina State Convention, Shelby, NC/PTO
Scott Gee 9/22-9/26 PTO
Mike Gruber 9/29-10/3 PTO
`` 10/10 PTO
Ed Hare 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA
Dan Henderson 9/26-9/28 Washington State Convention, Spokane Valley, WA
Bob Inderbitzen 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA
Diane Middleton 10/16-10/17 PTO
Diane Petrilli 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA
`` 12/22-12/24 PTO
Dave Sumner 9/15-9/29 IARU Reg. 1 Conference/IARU AC Meeting, Bulgaria
Yvette Vinci 10/9-10/13 Pacific Division Convention, Santa Clara, CA