By the way, I will be looking for everyone in SKN, as usual, I will be operating WN5IGF, my old Novice callsign, from my vintage radio station; 75A4 receiver and whatever xmtr I choose for the evening....hopefully not the one with the "chirp" so I can avoid getting an OO notice like I did last time! You can see a picture of the station on QRZ.com by looking up WN5IGF. 73 Joel W5ZN -----Original Message----- From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ [mailto:dsumner@arrl.org] Sent: Friday, December 22, 2006 9:59 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:15001] Re: 05-235 I think having a 5-wpm requirement has been more damaging to the future of CW than eliminating the requirement will be. Learning Morse so as to get past the current exam is hardly better than the old Boy Scout "learning by sight" that set back so many aspiring hams. It provides no foundation on which to build real proficiency. For 2007 I'd like to see those of us who love CW make a conscious effort to SLOW DOWN, at least for some special events (and I don't mean just Straight Key Night), and give folks who aren't as fluent an opportunity to make some QSOs. The speeds we use routinely on the air are pretty intimidating to the vast majority of hams. 73, MX es HNY Dave K1ZZ