
Can we get PSC to revisit this issue? 

Since you and I last discussed it, I have gotten three additional suggestions from clubs for special rules changes to accommodate the present situation.   Of course, not one of the suggestions is even close to resembling another. 

But rather than tell the field to wantonly disregard the rules, I think a minor change such as allowing operating outside the 1000 foot circle or some one or two of the other suggested ideas would be appropriate.

Thanks for your consideration,



On 4/18/2020 2:59 PM, Mickey Baker wrote:
I spoke with Rick earlier and he had great suggestions about how to proceed.

I just wrote Matt Holden (PSC Chair) with a suggestion to accommodate pretty much everything in this thread with a new category.

Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf

On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 1:31 PM <> wrote:
I agree. There is already disincentive to operate high power as it has a lower multiplier. But I would support that as well.

Every club I’ve talked to about this is disappointed. 


On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 1:28 PM Fred Hopengarten <> wrote:

I favor giving low power Class D stations points, but not high power ones. I don’t want the bands on Field Day dominated by high power home stations.




From: arrl-odv [] On Behalf Of Mickey Baker
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2020 12:40 PM
Cc: Arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:30176] Re: Fw: Field Day Status - Special Meeting?


The situation is getting more complicated by the day.


In less populous states, we are likely to see some relaxation of the edicts restricting gatherings, that will allow gatherings of 10 or perhaps 50 people.


Of course, in California, New Jersey, New York and Florida, that collectively make up nearly half the nation’s population, that’s not likely to happen.


No matter what the ARRL might do about Field Day, it is going to be a different experience in different areas.


Given the dozens of emails and phone calls that I’ve received, I would support an allowance for low power class D stations to count for points this year only.


If a majority of us would do that, perhaps we should consider taking this up in a Special Meeting.


We are likely going to need a Special Meeting anyway to discuss and authorize changes in the Regular Meeting, that must be done 60 days in advance of the Regular Meeting.


There are likely other issues that require action by the full board that shouldn’t wait.






Mickey Baker N4MB




On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 12:01 PM <> wrote:

Check out Mickey's email update (you can see every Director's
emailings in the ODV portal.)

No changes were made. I made a statement on it on ODV, and my position
has not changed. I would also go as far as to say that it is
incredibly disappointing that we are hiding behind "it's an

Yes, it's an emergency. But it is not a COMMUNICATIONS emergency.
There is a big difference.

Ria, N2RJ

On Sat, 18 Apr 2020 at 11:36, Richard Norton via arrl-odv
<> wrote:
> As I understood things, a discussion of Field Day rules was possible during the recent PSC meeting. I've seen no report on the outcome.
> One of the Southwestern Division Section Managers is being harassed about Field Day rules, and the messages are copied to me. I would like to send some sort of reply to the complainer stating the League's position, but am not sure what to say.
> Is there a paragraph or something explaining that the rules stay the same, but people are encourages to follow directions of health officials, or something like that?
> 73,
> Dick, N6AA
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