Here's what I could find on the web upgrade project from A&F minutes
and A&F board reports.
-- Tom
A&F - November 17, 2007 meeting
- 4. 2008 Plan
- Mr. Kramer began by introducing Jon Bloom, KE3Z, Manager of the Web
Software Development Department, who joined the meeting at this point. He
led the Committee through a discussion of the ARRL's web site which, he
proposed, needs a comprehensive upgrade. The architecture of the site is
very complex. Originally was built in 1995, it has approximately 40,000
pages of content. He proposed that the organization needs to take a more
strategic view of our web site. Mr. Kramer noted that, earlier this year,
they had begun a process, talking to firms who do this kind of work.
Using an internal team, three different companies who could or would be
able to do the work were identified. Each company was asked for a
proposal and, not surprisingly, each proposed a similar process to
identify the issues surrounding the ARRL website. This includes talking
to stakeholders, internal and external, in addition to inventorying the
web pages.
- During the discussion, it was noted that other Amateur Radio web
sites get more traffic than the ARRL. and E-Ham both get more
traffic. We believe that one of the reasons for this is that they offer
information in a more organized format and more current in some cases
(and interactive forums). This raises the issue of individual content
control which is an objective in any upgrade of the site architecture.
Site navigation also needs to be improved.
- Mr. Kramer noted that the overall upgrade of the web site is a long
term project but one that can be done in modules. In total it could be a
2-3 year process. Plan and costs will be presented in modules. The
initial study is proposed to cost $9,000 and results would be presented
at the January or April committee meeting depending on the completion of
the study. The company selected to do the initial study is named Fathom,
a company located in Hartford.
- It was noted in the discussion that this project is the beginning of
the next step in the technology of the ARRL. The current architecture of
the organization's systems is that one monolithic system that does
everything. Our current technology is to create the views and processing
outside the database. The new computing environment involves technology
which separates the data storage from the process of presenting data with
a controller linking the two. Mr. Kramer presented statistics for web
transactions both publications and membership. At this point, almost 60%
of publication transactions occur on the web and 30% of membership
- Mr. Vallio questioned the amount of resources available to do the
systems/web projects already identified and the priorities. He questioned
the timing of the DXCC/LOTW integration presented in the 2008 Plan. Mr.
Bloom described the two functions and work that is on-going as well as
the reasoning for the prioritization of the projects.
- On the motion of Mr. Edgar, seconded by Mr. McCobb, the Committee
unanimously agreed to allocate $9,000 for a study of the re-architecture
of the ARRL Web site and that the results of the study be presented in
the first quarter of 2008.
A&F - January 17, 2008 meeting
- e) Web Site Upgrade
- Mr. Kramer presented an oral status report of the study of the ARRL
web site for which funding was approved at the last meeting of the
Committee. The first meeting between the vendor and the ARRL user team is
scheduled for next week. One large group meeting has already been held.
He told the Committee that the results of the process will be a plan to
upgrade the web site including a funding proposal. This proposal is
expected to be completed later in 2008, hopefully prior to the spring
A&F meeting.
A&F - January 2008 Board report
- One step that is essential in our preparation for the future is the
analysis work that has started on our existing web site. We have a
wealth of material on-line but overall the site has not kept pace with
the changes in Internet technology and interaction with customers
expected in today's world. Taking the necessary steps will require
a serious commitment of resources and significant changes in our approach
to doing business electronically.
A&F - April 12, 2008 meeting
- 4. Fathom Web Project
- Brent Roberts, President and Exec. Creative Director, KB1PYY, and Bob
Margolis, VP of Business Development for Fathom, a strategic marketing
and web design firm joined the meeting at this point. Also joining the
meeting was Jon Bloom and Bob Inderbitzen of the ARRL staff.
- Mr. Margolis began the presentation discussing his background as a
former President of a volunteer board of a trade association. He noted
that Fathom staff had had several meetings with various members of the
ARRL staff and told the Committee that the staff at ARRL is the most
dedicated enthusiastic staff he's ever seen. He went on to describt
Fathom which is a 25 person graphic design, brand strategy and strategic
marketing firm. It represents the combination of two firms about 3 years
ago. 30-40% of their work is done for not-for-profits organizations. He
noted that they have experience in large web sites as well as smaller
projects. He then proceeded to discuss the overall objectives for the
ARRL web site.
- Mr. Roberts described his own background for the Committee noting
that he has a personal background in ham radio. His father was ham radio
operator and Brent has recently become licensed. As a result, he has gone
through the process of beginning in the hobby and learned about the
resources available in that process. He noted that the ARRL web site is
an on-line "property" and talked about the need to unlock the
value of this asset for the organization. He said that the project of
creating new web site architecture involves taking a step back and
looking at the objectives of the organization and how to best meet them
through the web site.
- Mr. Roberts then walked the Committee through the web strategy
document noting that a one of the objectives was to position ARRL as a
member-centric organization and create a destination site that people
want to go to often. He then led the Committee through a detailed
discussion of the top level architecture of the site including sample
designs of pages. This was followed by a discussion of the three phases
of the project.
- Mr. Margolis then discussed the proposal document. He described the
team from Fathom that will work on the project noting that all work will
be done in-house by Fathom personnel. None will be outsourced. He also
noted there are key milestones in the project and the fact that there is
a relatively short period of time before we will begin to see preliminary
- The meeting was then opened up for questions from the Committee:
- Mr. McCobb asked how the project compared to other Fathom projects of
a similar size and scope. Mr. Roberts discussed several other projects of
similar scale and the results achieved with those projects.
- Mr. Ahrens asked about the potential cost/benefit piece of this
proposal asking about Fathom's experience with a project of this size and
cost. Mr. Margolis gave examples of a smaller firm project and the
results. He noted that a properly executed site can be very successful.
Mr. Roberts added that metrics are very important for this kind of site,
that being one for a not-for-profit organization. Its important to know
who is coming to the site, where they are going on the site and other
- Mr. Bellows noted that a web site is a tool which will require a lot
of support to maintain and asked about the staff resources necessary to
keep all the content up-to-date, etc. Mr. Roberts responded that this
will be defined in Phase 1 and 2 of the project. The on-going cost of
maintaining the site needs to be identified and quantified.
- Mr. Ahrens mentioned that he liked the concept of database driven
pages and asked about other resources and the purchases of other
software/hardware that will be required to complete this project as well
as the time and IT resources needed for conversion. Mr. Roberts responded
that the planning will include how to integrate the existing information
databases in the new web site. Mr. Bloom discussed his preference in the
Fathom approach because it is planned that the new sire will be run on a
Linux server running Apache software. This is not an expensive
proposition and is the same technology we're using on the current site.
Mr. Roberts did mention that it might drive different disaster recovery
systems but not a whole new, significant investment in hardware and
- Noting that the current estimate for Phase III of the project is
approximately $100-150k, Mr. Bellows asked about the circumstances that
would drive the upper limit. Mr. Margolis responded, noting that the
amount is a conservative estimate. He did say that changes to the
original plan would drive costs but that Fathom would require a formal
change process to manage these items which would include ARRL sign-off
before work begins. Mr. Roberts said that Fathom was looking at the
proposal as a "hard, not to exceed" proposal and as long as the
project doesn't expand, the cost estimate will be met.
- Mr. Ahrens asked about the nature of this project and where it fits
in with all the projects completed by Fathom. Further he questioned the
potential to downsize this project to fit a smaller budget. Mr. Roberts
noted that the project could be downsized by eliminating some
functionality if necessary.
- Mr. Fenstermaker asked about the overall cost for the duration of the
project including staff costs. Mr. Kramer responded by noting that the
exact costs are not known at this time. He went on to discuss the risks
of the project including what he described as the biggest risk which is
the internal resources the ARRL can apply to the project. Will these be
enough? It was noted that we do have some control over the level of
resources that are needed for creation and on-going maintenance. Local
content control is going to be a big portion of the project. Mr. Margolis
projected that the project, it will require roughly 2 Full Time
Equivalent's, on average, from the ARRL.
- Mr. Bellows inquired as to Fathom's ability to deliver the resources
necessary to complete the project. Mr. Roberts responded that Fathom did
have the resources and had already been planning for the project.
- In closing, Mr. Kramer stated that we need to do this project. He
told the Committee how it will make us a better membership organization
and how it has the potential to allow us to tap into the organizational
potential of several areas not currently being maximized.
- Mr. Ahrens and Mr. Bellows offered some proposed contract question
which the Fathom representatives and ARRL management agreed would be
included in the final contract.
- At this point, the Committee broke for lunch @ 11:45 am and Messers
Roberts, Margolis and Bloom left the meeting. The Committee reconvened at
12:40 pm with all the original participants, plus Mr. Inderbitzen, in
A&F - July 17, 2008 meeting
- (nothing in the minutes about the web project)
A&F July 2008 Board report
- Along with increasing inter-board communication, the committee
received a presentation by representatives from Fathom. This firm
specializes in creating strategic marketing and web design. Fathom
is one of a number of firms staff reviewed in an effort to consolidate
ideas and system architectural requirements for a new ARRL Web
Site. Following presentation by the Fathom firm and follow-on
discussion with staff (specifically Jon Bloom and Bob Inderbitzen), the
committee approved follow-on planning and involvement of ARRL staff to
complete the first phase of the project. The committee approved
management's recommendation to proceed on Phase I and II of the project
with periodic updates prior to approval to continue. These updates
will be presented to both the A&F and entire board at the July 2008
A&F - November 22, 2008 meeting
- 8. Mr. Kramer distributed a written report on the status of the web
site project including sample designs for web pages. He reported that
Phase 1 was completed on budget of $50,000. That Phase 2 has begun and is
expected to cost $50,000, which was the budgeted amount
- A detailed discussion of the new web site followed.
A&F - January 15, 2009 meeting
- 3. Administration Report-Mr. Kramer
- Web site project-Mr. Kramer passed out a report on the status of this
project noting that representatives of Fathom, the outside design firm,
would be doing a presentation updating the status of the project for the
full Board at the meeting. He told the Committee that Phase I of the
project had been completed on budget and that Phase II is almost complete
and will also be on-budget.
- Phase III- Mr. Kramer continued noting that Fathom had exceeded our
expectations and that their process has worked well with the ARRL. He
explained to the Committee it was now time to request funding for the
final Phase of the project. He told the Committee that the project is
critical to the future of the organization and, over the years, that many
issues with the current site architecture had been identified. He
reminded the Committee that the original estimate for Phase III had been
- He went on to present the work plan and cost proposal for Phase III
which represents an investment of $134,500. Mr. Kramer noted that the
programming portion of the work plan is possibly the softest
- The Committee had a lengthy discussion of the project including the
staff training component and overall administration of the project.
Timing of the project, expectations of timely completion and Fathom's
performance to date were all discussed. Mr. Sumner talked about the
opportunities the new site will give the organization in allowing us to
provide content for, and from, different communities of interest within
Amateur Radio.
- The overall investment in the project and its impact on the
organization's reserves and bottom line were also discussed.
- On the Motion of Mr. Mileshosky, seconded by Mr. Bodson, it was
unanimously approved that the A&F Committee recommends a capital
expenditure of $134,500 to fund Phase III of the project to complete the
new ARRL web site.
A&F - January 2009 Board report
- Mr. Kramer discussed the status of the Fathom Web Project and noted
that the project is on track. Further information will be presented
to the committee and entire board in January.
A&F - April 30, 2009 meeting
- 5. Administration/Operations Report - Mr. Kramer
- Mr. Kramer then discussed the Fathom project to redo the web site
noting it was on track. He said there were no major slippages in the
schedule so far noting that the majority of the architecture has been
completed. He informed the Committee that he would be hiring an intern
for the summer to coordinate the organization of the web site content. He
still anticipates a 4th qtr launch of the web site.
- 11. Web site project-Mr. Kramer
- Mr. Fenstermaker asked a question regarding the on-going maintenance
of the new web site, one implemented. Mr. Kramer noted that there were
two components to this answer, the technical infrastructure and the
content. He noted that the technical component, i.e. the host server,
Internet connection, etc. would be managed as it is today, by the ARRL IT
Department. It was pointed out that the web page is hosted off-site today
and that will continue, in fact, we may add another hosting site.
- Further, Mr. Kramer discussed the concept of individual departments
being responsible for content control of those web pages for which they
are responsible. He noted that this was one of the fundamental objectives
for the new site, including the ability to create and/or modify forms.
Staff training was included in the cost estimate for the project. What is
unknown at the moment is the amount of overall effort that will be
required. He noted that additional resources may be required but this is
not known at present.
- Mr. McCobb asked about the possibility of staff reductions as a
result of implementation of the new web site noting that this should be
investigated. Mr. Kramer responded that we will be looking into this,
particularly in regards to data entry across a variety of functions.
- Mr. Weaver noted the possibility of using volunteers to help maintain
web content and/or help change the site if necessary.
- Mr. Shelley noted that any new "functions" that are
proposed for the web site in the future will be evaluated as to the
priority for the project as well as the resources required. Decisions
will be made on which resources to use to complete approved projects and
in what timeframe.
A&F - July 16, 2009 meeting
- 10. Administration/Operations
- Mr. Kramer presented a short report to the Committee, referring to
his extensive written report delivered to the full Board. He noted that
the staff continues to make progress with the web site project. He
reported that the project was still on track with the schedule. He noted
than an intern had been hired to assist with the conversion of the
content from the existing site to the new one. Mr. Kramer noted that a
decision has not been made yet on the e-commerce software to handle that
portion of the web site. This piece was still being researched. He also
reported that they were also looking for a 3rd party software program to
use for advertising on the web site. He then discussed the content
control system, mentioning the training component which would be
included. He concluded by telling the Committee that the project was
still anticipating a January launch.
- The Committee raised questions about the operations/staffing
requirements for the new site. Mr. Kramer noted that it was too early to
tell exactly what the staffing requirement would be. Mr. Fenstermaker
suggested that the outside consulting firm might be able to give us an
indication of potential staffing requirements.
- Mr. Mileshosky noted that the ARRL was making a significant
investment in the new web site which the organization had needed for some
time. He noted that maintaining the site will be necessary for the
organization to get the most from its investment. He further suggested
that turnover of content on a regular basis will be necessary to keep it
fresh and interesting. He raised the concern about prioritization of
portions of the site to insure appropriate content is maintained. Mr.
Kramer noted that there was a possibility of using volunteers to help
maintain certain portions of the site.
- Mr. McCobb noted that changes in major systems, such as this one,
offer the opportunity to change the processes as well as the possibility
of new revenue sources. Mr. Kramer mentioned the new advertising system
as an example of this possibility.
A&F - July 2009 Board report
- (nothing in the report on the web project)
A&F - November 21, 2009 meeting
- 4. Operations Report
- Ms. Glass, the ARRL staffer working on the content conversion for the
new web site project, gave a presentation on the content management
software being developed by Fathom. She noted that the content from the
current web page had been revised and edited by mid September and that
the focus is now on porting the revised content to the new platform.
- Mr. Fenstermaker asked how much IT time will be freed up through the
use of local content managers. Mr. Shelley responded that it should be at
least one full-time position.
- The Committee then had a long discussion of the capabilities of the
new web site and its functionality.
- 18. Other Business
- Mr. McCobb spoke on the history of major projects within the
organization and noted the need to identify and quantify results,
including any cost savings after the project is completed. He identified
the web site project specifically and noted that there may or may not be
positions eliminated as a result of its implementation.
A&F - January 14, 2010 meeting
- (meeting minutes not found in my files - not sure they were
distributed to the Board)
A&F - January 2010 Board report
- Mr. Kramer discussed the status of the operational areas and
particularly about the Fathom project to update the ARRL web site.
He noted that the roll-out to members projected for the end of
January. During the upcoming A&F meeting prior to the board
meeting, he will give an update.
A&F - May 5, 2010 meeting
- 3. Administration/Operations Report
- Mr. Kramer began his operations report with a discussion of the
status of the implementation of the new ARRL web site. Mr. Norton asked
about the Fathom contract and its construction. Mr. Kramer noted that the
contract encompassed three "phases", each with a set of
deliverables and that 10% ($15,000) of the contract price is being
withheld until completion. Messrs Norton and Ahrens asked for a copy of
the contract and Mr. Kramer promised to provide it.
- There ensued a long discussion about the contract, the project itself
and various deliverables and details of the project. Mr. Kramer described
the difficulty in bringing a project like this to fruition and presented
various examples of data and other functions that were still not
operational. He mentioned anomalies in the internal data structure
highlighting his belief that most of the remaining issues are data
related. In this discussion he used the data issues of Section, VEC and
Education departments as examples.
- Mrs. Craigie asked how we will know when the project is finished and
we can sign off. Mr. Kramer noted that there were punch lists of
outstanding items and that completion of the contract would be when all
elements of the old site are operational on the new site. He estimated
that this would be in about 4-5 weeks. Documentation of the site was also
raised as an item for completion prior to releasing the final payment.
- Mr. Fenstermaker questioned about any additional cost associated with
the work to complete the site and Mr. Kramer said there would be no
additional cost at this time. Mr. Fenstermaker also asked about the
necessary documentation. Mr. Ahrens asked about on-going support from
Fathom. Mr. Kramer told the committee that no specific on-going support
would be required, however, a decision to use Fathom for specific project
related items is possible.
- A lengthy discussion ensued about IT Dept priorities and time to
complete. Mr. Shelley discussed current priorities and the implementation
of other projects and the resource requirements both internal and
external for various projects. He did note that the unexpected time to
implement the web site was taking time away from other projects as the
web site had been considered the top priority so far this year.
- Mr. Bodson asked about the general lay-out of the web site. Mr.
Sumner responded with a discussion of "new" and people
accepting change. Mr. Kramer also discussed the issue of page
"permissions" which has been a difficult issue to corral.
- Mr. Tiemstra noted that the "drill down" methodology used
in the construction of the web site could be construed as a
"negative" but believes that this is the way web sites are
- Mr. Norton asked about the Digital Content Coordinator and the level
of IT staffing going forward. Mr. Kramer responded the majority of the
time for the DCC position will be spent on moving us forward in the
digital area. He said that there would probably be more electronic
content initiatives like digitized magazines, etc. which would be the
responsibility of this position.
- A discussion of advertising on the site followed noting revenue
levels, placement and other issues.
At 02:57 AM 7/4/2010, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ wrote:
Hi Jim,
Happy 4th from Germany, where they are celebrating another
win in the World Cup (two weekends in a row -- I've heard enough
vuvuzelas for a lifetime).
I'd don't recall that committee minutes have ever been
available on the Web site. They are not made public and I don't think we
have ever collected them in one place in the ODV files, although it seems
like a good idea.
Barry may have A&F minutes collected in one place -- he
has to do that for the auditors -- so he may be able to help you out
after the holiday weekend.
Dave DL/K1ZZ
From: Jim Weaver K8JE
Sent: Sat 7/3/2010 5:08 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:19092] Committee Minutes on Web Site
I am unable to access A&F minutes on the new web
site. When I sign in to ODV and then try to access the minutes I am
asked to sign in. This seems strange to me because I'm
automatically signed in to ODV to begin with.
When I attempt to sign in, I am unsuccessful.
Are these minutes not linked to the site yet?
FYI, what I am trying to find is the first time A&F
heard the presentation about the new site project from FATHOM. I
can't find a date on the presentation manual that was give to
e-mail: ARRL New England Division
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box J, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: