A couple of questions for David M., and copied to ODV in case others have had the same questions..... David; I received the latest issue of On the Air today, and have a couple of questions that have been festering in my mind since the very first issue of the magazine came out in January. Please note that these are not complaints or criticisms, they are simply queries to help me understand the reasoning. As you are well aware, the ARRL brand is one of the most valuable assets the company owns. The iconic symbol of our brand is the familiar ARRL logo. I have noticed that On the Air does not display the ARRL logo anywhere, other than the very bottom of an ad on Page 3. Except for very tiny "ARRL.ORG/OTA" URL text on the front cover there is absolutely no indication that this is even an ARRL publication. It's not until you read the very fine print at the bottom of page four that you even know who publishes the magazine. (In fact, I'm surprised every month how very little content is on the magazine's cover page, considering what a powerful marketing tool the cover page of a magazine is.) Now, all this might be intentional given the target market, but is the intent that we are deliberately trying to minimize the stigma associated with the "old ARRL ways" by limiting our own ARRL brand promotion within On the Air? Also, there is also no reference anywhere in the magazine as to the ARRL Field Organization, or a listing of who their League representatives are. That would be fine if this was an accessory magazine provided in addition to QST that members received. Instead, it's an "in lieu of" scenario. Without that information provided within On the Air ARRL members that opt for this magazine will not have quick access to who their League representatives are, unless they go digging on the ARRL website, or dig into digital QST on-line. It's as if we are minimizing or ignoring the "organization" side of the ARRL within On the Air. Again, is this based on the thought that the younger target market for On the Air doesn't really care about which ARRL Division or Section they reside in, or who represents them? If so, that's fine too, I'm just curious. Now that you've been here a couple of months I'd just like to know your thoughts on these two issues. Thanks! 73; Mike W7VO