FYI, at the direction of the Ethics & Elections
Committee, the following message has been sent to the SM reflector. This is not
in response to any specific issue, but rather a general information
73 Joel W5ZN
To All ARRL Section
Toward the end of
September, ARRL Headquarters will be mailing ballots to Full members in five
Divisions: Pacific,
This level of
participation and interest in the governance of the ARRL is a very healthy
sign. Not only is ARRL membership growing, our members are increasingly engaged
in the issues facing the organization. You are all a part of that success, and
I thank you for it.
As a former Section
Manager myself, I know how devoted you must be to Amateur Radio and the ARRL to
perform the often thankless job of SM. It is only natural that each of us, as
active and committed volunteers, will have strong opinions about the direction
our organization should take and the leaders who should take us there.
While some SMs choose to
remain strictly neutral in Director and Vice Director elections, you are not
obligated to do so. You have every right to express your opinions -- as long as
you make it clear that they are your personal opinions and do not reflect the
official views of any part of the ARRL. You may campaign for a candidate, or
for yourself if you are a candidate, as long as it is clear to members that
official ARRL communications channels have been not used and it is
not done at ARRL expense.
Thanks again for all you
do for Amateur Radio and the ARRL.
Sincere 73,
Joel Harrison, W5ZN
President, ARRL