I want to make sure everyone understands the
travel policy for attending this year's Dayton Hamvention as it
relates to League expense.
Even though we are producing another "ARRL
Expo" at Dayton, it is NOT an ARRL National Convention this year. Therefore,
travel reimbursement at League expense is not authorized and there will be no
reimbursement for expenses related to your attendance even if it were to be
charged to your division allocation. The only Director authorized to attend at
League expense without special approval is the Great Lakes Division
Director who has the fortune of having it in his back yard. As was the case last
year, staff has been assigned to cover the Expo area.
Of course, this doesn't mean you can't
attend, it just means it can't be on the League's nickel.
Just wanted to make sure everyone
understands so there isn't any misunderstanding down the road.
73 Joel W5ZN