Good morning ODV:


We’re now four days into remote operations based on Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont’s “Stay Safe, Stay Home” policy edict. Just to clarify, the statement basically ordered all non-essential and non-profit businesses to reduce their in-person workforce at each business location by 100%. Subsequent regulations issued by the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (CDECD) provided some, by certainly not specifically clear, guidance on what was essential vs non-essential and approved functional exceptions to the policy.


Since there’s been some confusion, I’d like to take a moment to clarify some of the provisions which are allowing us to keep a very few functions operating at 225 Main St. By “business location” the edict meant each physical location for each business. For us, that meant that the main HQ building, W1AW and the warehouse were all separate locations. The guidelines also allowed an exception for “receiving mail and packages”. There was also an exception which allowed that a business didn’t have to file for an “essential” determination if there was only one person at a location (e.g. an attendant).


Based on the guidelines and after review with CT counsel, we have a couple of functions still operating at HQ, but very limited. Diane and I are trying to respond to the spirit as well as the letter of the law while still trying to keep a couple of critical functions working.


Given all that, here’s a status of what’s been going on this week:




Overall, it’s been an interesting and challenging week for the entire staff particularly since the Governor gave no indication of his actions prior to the moment he announced the order last Friday. Everyone has accepted the challenge, no group more so than the IT infrastructure team who did yeoman duty to ensure that anyone who could, was set up to work remotely. And they did it in a very short period of time and continue to resolve issues as they arise.


If you have specific questions, please let me know and I’ll try to get them answered.



Barry, N1VXY