In his “Secret Society” editorial in the June 2007 issue of
CQ Magazine Rich Moseson, W2VU describes, sometimes incorrectly,
the recent actions of ARRL with regard to the RM 11306 band width petition. He
also speaks to League’s actions regarding the broad scale background
check requirements imposed by the American Red Cross. W2VU asserts ARRL is “revealing
information only when absolutely necessary, and saying one thing while doing
W2VU’s comments raise a series of questions about our post
petition actions regarding RM11306 and the ongoing discussions with the ARC.
While he castigates the officers and board for “secrecy and subterfuge”,
alludes to actions “under the table” and repeats a number of misstatements
and misperceptions about recent ARRL actions, he says” I am not
suggesting that anything improper is actually going on, just that this sort of
secrecy provides ammunition for those who are suspect of the League’s
motives to begin with.”
There is a certain contradictory element to this editorial. Moseson starts out recognizing the process leading to the
RM11306 petition “was the culmination of a multi-year process—ironically,
one of the most open in memory---in which the ARRL, repeatedly sought input
from members before drafting the petition” but then accuses us of secrecy.
Then again, viewing the post filing RM 11306 process from the outside a
suspicious mind could view our actions as being secret, because in a sense they
were and in the context of the circumstances should have been.
The question is what should we do, if anything? We seem to have
concluded as a Board that the reason RM11306 engendered such negative response
was not necessarily do to a lack of technical merit but OUR failure to
adequately advance the benefits of the proposal and our failure to engender
vocal support from the many amateurs who supported the proposal. Our product
and preparation was great but we didn’t “close the sale.”
The Moseson editorial provides an excellent
opening to make clear what actually happened, prepare for a possible future
petition and see if Moseson and CQ are serious in
finding out why ARRL took the actions it did. This is an opportunity to ask Moseson and CQ for a fair chance to answer those questions he
raised by allowing our President a to respond in the
pages of CQ. I’m not thinking of a short letter to the editor but an
opportunity to provide a full, carefully crafted answer to those serious
questions raised in the June CQ editorial. This could be a win-win situation. It could
also be an opportunity to see if W2VU is seriously looking for answers or just
fanning flames.