Good Afternoon ODV: As you know, for the past year, the organization has been transitioning the responsibilities for support of the Board, including meetings, elections and the like (commonly called the "Assistant Secretary responsibilities) from Dan Henderson to Carla Pereira. Dan has been helpful in providing advice and support to Carla throughout the transition and now it's time to complete the handoff. Effective immediately, Carla will now be the primary responsibility for Board matters. I recognize that I, as Corporate Secretary, have the overall responsibility but Carla will be handling the day-to-day operations of the office. Going forward, I would appreciate you're contacting Carla or I for any specific questions you might have and I've asked Dan to help remind people if the stray question comes his way. Please don't take this as an indication that Dan is getting ready to retire in the near future. He has indicated to me that he will be here at least through this time next year and we will begin looking for a replacement at the appropriate time once Dan makes his decisions on his future plans. Until then, he will be busy with the transition to HQ of the Volunteer Monitor program and keeping up with his Regulatory Information Manager duties including responding to member questions on FCC radio regulations. He will also continue to provide support to the PSC. I want to thank Dan for his work over the last three plus years in supporting this office and working with the Board on corporate matters. 73, Barry, N1VXY