Season's Greetings! Attached is a draft agenda for the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Board. In a slight departure from past practice I have included as agenda item 10 a list of known items of business that are not (yet) part of a committee's recommendations. Some of these items may move up under 8.a, Recommendations of the Executive Committee, should the EC make a recommendation between now and the Board meeting, or may be deleted if the Board acts by mail vote. If you are preparing a report, please use the Document numbers as shown. Finally, Directors are reminded of the last sentence of Bylaw 17: "At least 14 days prior to each annual meeting of the Board of Directors each director is encouraged to file with the Secretary a written report on the status of the affairs of the League in his division, together with a statement of his recommendations as to any actions required for the effective administration of the objectives and affairs of the League." 73, David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary <<01 Agenda.doc>>