As I understand things, the League is expected to eventually have a new Treasurer.

Would someone please explain his or her role in investment activity.

Will the new Treasurer have any impact in the selection of who is managing the investments? Will the new Treasurer be in any way involved in determining what investments are utilized? If so, how?

Or, will the management of the investments continue to be controlled by the IMC?

Thank you.


Dick, N6AA

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Wed, Aug 25, 2021 at 11:28 AM, Niswander, Rick
<> wrote:



The IMC has completed the RFP for investment management services and has issued the RFP to 15 firms.  Firms have until the middle of September to submit a response and then the committee members will individually evaluate the submissions.  The committee is unlikely to hold a Zoom meeting through the end of September. 


We will send a meeting notice once meetings start up again.


Frederick (Rick) Niswander, PhD, CPA, CGMA

Professor of Accounting

East Carolina University

Greenville, NC  27858


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