16 MAR 2008 - 2249 CDT
For those using cars at the 2008 Dayton Hamvention, will want to save
this information for reference this year.
- Dick Isely, W9GIG
To: Newsletter Editors, PIO's, and any other interested parties
From: Rob Lunsford KB8UEY
Re: Construction during Hamvention 2008
March 16, 2008
For Immediate Release
Here it is
mid March already and right at 2 months till the Dayton
Hamvention. There is one small hitch this year, road
and lots of it. With that said, I am sending this notice out in
of reaching as many as possible in advance to try to minimize the
problems we could all (staff, volunteers, attendees, speakers,
everyone) face.
One of the main surface streets used by attendees of Hamvention
year is Needmore Road since it is almost a straight shot from I-75
(exit 58) to Hara Arena. Unfortunately in the next couple weeks
rebuild project is set to begin on this roadway right in the travel
path to Hara in which it will be down to one lane each way for no
than 100 working days.
The next problem we face in the way of construction is at the north
end of the Downtown Dayton area (about the 53 to 56 mile markers on
I-75). In this area the Ohio Department of Transportation has
a multi-year multi-phase reconstruction of I-75 in which there are
lane restrictions, bridge replacements, and various other adjacent
Both of these projects are much overdue and will, in the long run,
drastically improve travel in the area. Unfortunately for now we
faced with these projects in high volume areas that are already
to trouble from even the slightest traffic issue. To assist
involved we are asking that those attending Hamvention please try to
avoid these areas if possible. Our hope is that if we minimize
traffic in the area, and a problem does occur, we do not make it
with our increased traffic flow.
Please use the below listed alternatives if you need to go to the
satellite parking at the former Salem Mall.
I-75 Southbound from Troy & Toledo, OH (points North)
Exit 61 (I-70 Westbound), Richmond, IN)
Take Exit 61 west to Exit 26 Hoke Rd. Turn left at the end of the
ramp. The next intersection is SR 49 (Salem Ave.) Travel south on SR
49 (Salem Ave.) 4 miles to Salem Bend Road. Turn left on Salem Bend
Road. Turn right on Wood Creek into the parking lot. If you miss the
turn at Salem Bend Road, in 100 yards turn left on Shiloh Springs
turn left into the mall and drive to the rear of the mall for
Hamvention® Parking.
I-75 Northbound From Cincinnati, OH (points South)
Exit 52 US Route 35 West
Go west on US 35 approximately 5 ½ miles. US 35 will curve to
right becoming Northbound and once it crossed West Third Street
becomes SR 49. Continue North on SR 49. Follow to
intersection with
Salem Avenue and turn Right. When you make this turn you need to
to the left thru lane, as you will be turning left very shortly.
will come to a traffic light at Salem Bend Road. Turn left on
Bend Road. Turn right on Wood Creek into the parking lot. If you
the turn at Salem Bend Road, in 100 yards turn left on Shiloh
and turn left into the mall and drive to the rear of the mall for
Hamvention® Parking.
For vendors, handicap parking, and individuals with credentials
to go to the Arena please follow the below directions.
I-75 Southbound from Troy & Toledo, OH (points North)
Exit 61 (I-70 Westbound), Richmond, IN)
Take Exit 61 west to Exit 29 North Main St. State Route 48). Turn
at the end of the ramp. Follow south about 5 miles to Shiloh
Road and turn Right. Flea Market Vendors and Handicap Parking
through Entrance 4 all others with credentials use Entrance 1.
I-75 Northbound From Cincinnati, OH (points South)
Exit 52 US Route 35 West
Go west on US 35 approximately 5 ½ miles. US 35 will curve to
right becoming Northbound and once it crossed West Third Street
becomes SR 49. Continue North on SR 49. Follow to
intersection with
Turner Road and turn Right.
Flea Market & Handicap Parking
Follow Turner Road to Philadelphia Road and turn left. Then
follow to
North Main Street (State Route 48) and turn left. Stay in the
lane and turn left on Shiloh Springs Road. Enter at Entrance
Inside Exhibitors & Others With Credentials (Not Flea
You will come to a traffic light at Wolf Road. Turn left on
Road. Wolf Road will dead end into Shiloh Springs at Entrance 1.
straight across Shiloh Springs here.
Individuals traveling on I-70 will not need to make any changes from
years past due to this construction. For more information or if
have questions feel free to contact the Talk-In Chairman Rob
KB8UEY via email at talkin@hamvention.org. Also once in the
area if you need assistance you can tune to 146.940- for further
Please pass this information on to anyone who may need it.