Home at 1 am West coast time. Including a ,,, wait for it,,, 2 1/2 hour delay at BDL, only to sit on the taxiway for another 40 minutes while we ran the engines at 75% throttle to burn off fuel because they put too much in, and we were overweight.... Sea-Tac had no available gates when we finally got to Seattle, and they sent a bus to the end of the runway and took us about 2 miles in and out of moving jets ( ??? ) to the terminal. I thought I was the only one but the closer to home, the more folks I found delayed.
One really cool thing was while waiting at Sea-Tac, a guy asked about my shirt, ( ARRL polo) so I told him what it was, and where I had been. He has 2 neighbors who have towers in his home town, and was going to talk to them about Ham Radio. He was very interested in leaning more. Made the 12 hours in the air and in terminals prior to the conversation worth it.
Glad everyone is finally home and Rick, you need to get a ride in that sled of Ria's, that is a very cool car. The darn thing even backs it's self out of a parking stall.
73, Mark