Great news!
There is just one minor quandary related to success. It breeds an expectation of continued success even more than failure breeds further failure.
Bring on continued quandary of this type.
Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director
ARRL Great Lakes Division
5065 Bethany Rd.
Mason, OH 45040
E-mail:; Tel.: 513-459-0142
ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is!
Members - The Reason ARRL Is!
-----Original Message-----
From: Kramer, Harold,
WJ1B []
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007
1:29 PM
To: arrl-odv
Cc: Breen,Katie, W1KRB
Subject: [arrl-odv:15881]
FW: July Membership Report
Some good news from Katie.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio
860 594 0220
Breen,Katie, W1KRB
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007
9:22 AM
To: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ; Kramer,
Harold, WJ1B; Hobart, Mary K1MMH; Patton, David NN1N; Somma, Maria, AB1FM;
Jahnke, Deb, K1DAJ; Pitts, Allen W1AGP; Hurtado, Amy KB1NXO; Inderbitzen, Bob,
NQ1R; Shelley, Barry, N1VXY
Subject: July Membership Report
Good news to report yet again this month! July ended with 151,695 members - the highest membership numbers we’ve seen since December 2004. The large mailing we sent to 100,000 certainly contributed to this growth as we saw a higher return for new and returning members. As always, if you have any questions, please do let me know.
Katie Breen, W1KRB
Membership Manager
ARRL - the national association for AMATEUR RADIO
225 Main Street
Newington CT 06111
860.594.0297 direct
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