For your information, the following item went up on the ARRL web page this afternoon:

ARRL ham equipment insurance plan has new claims administrator: Effective immediately, the new claims administrator for the ARRL “All-Risk” Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Plan (> is the Risk Management Planning Group Inc (RMPG <>), 211 Station Rd, Mineola, NY 11501. RMPG is a third-party claims administration firm. Marsh Affinity Group Services of Park Ridge, Illinois, will continue as the program’s administrator, handling applications <> as well as policy and insurance coverage questions <>. AIG, the company that underwrites the ARRL insurance program, directed the change in a move to consolidate claims-paying functions and to exercise more control over all the programs it underwrites through Marsh Affinity Group Services.

The specific web page that deals with the insurance plan information has been updated with the information as well.

Barry, N1VXY