Thank you. It certainly makes sense now.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2020 at 8:42 AM david <> wrote:

GM Ria,


WRT SPE’s 15 dB request, this was housekeeping.  The waiver was dismissed; there was no appeal.  Docket should have been closed in 2017, after the time for appeal lapsed.  In the dismissal, the FCC had said that they would consider the

issue as a possible rules change (rather than waive it for one manufacturer), and the rulemaking proceeding was left open.





From: "" <>

Date: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 5:01 AM

To: "" <>

Cc: arrl-odv <>

Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:31058] FCC Dismisses "Stale" Amateur Proceedings



Thanks David.


This is puzzling. They’ve not taken action and simply dismissed them? What is the end game, anyway?


Is it because there is just so little manpower that they don’t want to rule on anything? Or...?



The 15dB rule especially would have been an easy win.







On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 11:15 PM david
<> wrote:


This is just a note that three items related to amateur radio were among the more than 1,000 proceedings dismissed by the FCC today as “stale”.  Dismissal does not prevent filing

a petition for reconsideration

or a petition for review of the dismissal action, or submitting a new petition on the same issue.

  1. Docket 16-243:  SPE Petition for Waiver of the 15 dB linear amplifier gain limit.  The petition that is the subject of this docket was denied in December, 2016. 

    Please note that SPE also filed a companion Petition for Rulemaking asking for a permanent rules change, and that petition remains pending (RM-11767).  The FCC is terminating just the docket for the waiver, which was denied in 2016 with no further appeal.

  2. RM-11769: this petition asked that (1) generally in the bands 2 meters and below, that digital data modes be permitted in addition to CW everywhere in the band segments where phone/image modes are not permitted; and (2) license class privileges be adjusted.


RM-11629:  this 2011 petition proposed to extend credit to applicants

permanently for each and every amateur examination element passed. 

Feel free to direct any questions to me.

73,  Dave K3ZJ



David R. Siddall

Managing Partner


1629 K St. NW, Ste 300

Washington, DC 20006

direct: +1 202 559 4690


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