Cal Ripken was definitely a class act, but I would also have to put 2 others in that category, Ernie Banks from the Cubs, and most recently, Mr. Padre, Tony Gwynn.   73,


Joel Harrison wrote:
I used to think that, until the cry babies went out on strike, then almost did it a second time. Since the strike, there has only been one Major League baseball player that I thought had any class, and Mr. Ripkin just happened to play at Camden Yards.
I spend my money on college sports now, where only the coaches make millions and act like cry babies.......but they get their ass fired when they piss people off !!!!!
73 Joel W5ZN

A civilized game, where men have bats and swing them aggressively. They play on a "diamond" and the goal is to "go home". Great Game. America's game, really......


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