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Have a safe Holiday weekend! Development The spring Defense campaign has topped the $129,000 mark from more than 2500 donors. The average contribution is a very healthy $51. The Education & Technology Program's Teachers Institute has benefited from significant donors contributions totaling $110,000 since December 2005. Since January the program has attracted more than $78,000 in contributions, with the 2006 campaign results still to come. The full campaign solicitation was mailed last week and is posted on the web. The W1AW Endowment has received nearly $70,000 in funds from 733 donors in 2006. Dayton Hamvention was a success for Development with two Legacy commitments recorded and two large cash contributions. Most significant was a grant from the Dayton Amateur Radio Association of $15,000 to rejuvenate the Community Education Project (CEP) that will education community leaders about Amateur Radio as a public service and emergency communications resource. The Donor Recognition Reception organized and executed by Debra Johnson was a smashing success. The Meadowbrook Country Club venue was perfect, as were the food, flowers and refreshments. Maxim Society members were honored for lifetime giving, including two who increased their support to the highest level and two new members who received their plaques and pins. President Harrison brought "magic" to the event with his magic tricks and comments on Main Street USA and the Average Joe. His comments resonated with all present and the event succeeded in cementing relationships with key donors. Well done, Debra. Media & Public Relations Obviously, the biggest thing last week was the events at Dayton. There were many, many compliments about the Hello Campaign and not one complaint all weekend! Over 4000 brochures were distributed as well as 100+ of the Swiss Army Knife CDs, Hello DVDs and other materials for PIOs. The ham radio video corps idea was launched in B. Pasternak's forum and Hello presented in the PR forum. Several stage presentations were done by members of the PR committee. Just in time, the second order of 40,000 Hello brochures arrived and about 2000 of these have already been sent out for use in presentations. Six packets of nominating materials for the annual McGan Award were received by the May 19 deadline and will be put into kits for the PR Committee members review. Production/Editorial The July issue of QST was released to the printer Tuesday. Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 25, No. 20, distributed to 64,571 members on May 17 (two days early because of Dayton Hamvention). Rick prepared/edited news items on: the status of the "Morse code" proceeding, ARES/RACES/SKYWARN activity re New England flooding, M2 to be Principal Awards Sponsor of June 2006 VHF Party, elementary school pupils in Japan use ham radio to talk with ISS crew, ARRL EXPO 2006 at Dayton Hamvention to feature mini-forums, tower accident claims life of well-known Oregon DXer, Logbook of the World reaches another milestone, remarks of President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, at Dayton ARRL forum and several announcements and news briefs. Rick also voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News, made available May 17. Rick was at Dayton Hamvention May 18-21 taking many photos and notes, and helping to staff the "Meet the Authors" table at ARRL EXPO 2006. Steve Ford wrote the first ARRL blog about his ongoing Dayton experience. Steve received over 400 positive emails about it. Sales and Marketing Due to Hamvention, Business Services staff had a busy week collecting advertising materials for QST, NCJ, and QEX as many clients were in route to Dayton from another show. Staff member Deb Jahnke attended Hamvention and was pleased to meet with numerous advertisers and publication dealers. One very positive meeting outcome is that Alpha Radio LLC will increase their advertising to a full page, 4-color advertisement in each issue of QST for the next 12 months. The mailing to 100,000 lapsed members is continuing with strong returns. With over 1,800 renewals, we are more than 75% to our target. Thanks to everyone who supported ARRL EXPO at Dayton Hamvention, and to everyone who supported us back home. A friend of Dean Straw's, commenting on how well he thought the EXPO was organized, described our exhibit area as an ARRL Ecosystem. The event was truly a showcase of ARRL programs, services, membership, publications and products. Congratulations to all! Dennis, Bob and Amy met with our online course provider, the Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium, to discuss short term and long term goals for administering ARRL's suite of online courses. From time to time, we receive inquiries from volunteers seeking ARRL publications to donate to schools and libraries. Most of these are served by the ARRL Library Book Set, discussed at HYPERLINK "www.arrl.org/FandES/field/club/libookset.html" \o "www.arrl.org/FandES/field/club/libookset.html" www.arrl.org/FandES/field/club/libookset.html. However, realizing that one-size does not always fit-all, Bob worked with Section Managers and clubs in two regions to help develop a mutually agreeable discount for groups seeking larger quantities of books to donate. Membership Services DXCC Branch For the Week of: May 21 2006Beginning Credits27,877Credits Received8,090Credits Processed12,468Ending Credits23,499 Applications Pending297Processing time3.9 Weeks Year-to-date (2006) Credits Received128,750Credits Returned220,932 DXCC is currently entering credits received on May 10, 2006. DXCC is currently mailing applications received on April 24, 2006. This weekend Bill Moore attended the Dayton Hamvention. A comparison of DXCC activity was as follows: 200620052004Applications Received 153164123Credits Received13,84614,79413,553 A special thanks to the following card checkers who helped out during Hamvention: Keith Kemper N8KOL Bill McDowell K4CIA Don Search W3AZD Walt Wooten W1LW Hal Turley W8HC Gary Dixon K4MQG Mike Goode N9NS Bill Barr N4NX Ed Pflueger AB4IQ Glenn Johnson W0GJ Dave Ellis W0GJ Dave Wellis WA8WV Jess Colvin AI9L Dave Clark W8DO There may be some others but there is a lot more paperwork to go through and each will receive a personal acknowledgement from me. Awards Branch CategoryProcessedLoTW WAS Applications4WAS Certificates Issued1A-1 Operator Nominations5A-1 Operator Certificates Issued4VUCC Initial Apps6VUCC Initial Grids487VUCC Endorsement Applications6VUCC Endorsement Grids296Awards Mailed40DXCC Plaques Ordered79 Awards Branch turnaround is approximately 2.5 weeks. Awards activity from the Dayton Hamvention is as follows: Applications ReceivedCredits ReceivedVUCC 163WAS13750WAC560 Contest Branch The 10 Meter results article was received from the author, formatted, and sent to Production. The expanded 10-Meter results were sent to Web Services for layout, along with the web database and 2 full sidebar articles. Due to space overrun, we had to trim a page combined from the 10-Meter and RTTY Roundup QST write-ups (the West Mountain Radio sponsorship greatly expanded the RTTY plaque box, which had to be accommodated). The checked scores for both the CW and Phone weekends of the 2006 ARRL International DX contest were received. They were formatted, merged into the respective databases, and the various tables were generated and sent to the authors to begin their write-ups. Numerous Field Day queries were handled and the Field Day message for 2006 was prepared and sent to W1AW for their preparation. Logbook of the World QSO records entered into the system100,567,480QSL records have resulted 5,653,106Logs Processed223,952Active Certificates19,004Users registered in the system12,546Hybrids Pending Mail120 QSL Branch There is a 1 day processing time delay. This week 134 pounds of cards were received from members. The next scheduled mailing is Friday, May 26 2006. W1AW Thanks to Dan Henderson, N1ND for operating the early morning code practice transmissions on Thursday and Friday. The 6-Meter season is apparently upon us! When possible, W1AW has been active during those times when the band opens. Quite a number of stations were worked, including one in Bermuda (VP9). Joe created the texts for the June W1AW Qualifying Runs. He processed three Qualifying Run certificates. Joe also processed regular W1AW QSL card requests. He also worked the Thursday and Friday night late afternoon/nights shifts for Scott Gee (who was out on vacation). Joe also handled some evening phone sales calls in the daily 5 PM to 8 PM time slots on those two days. Field & Educational Services Field Organization/Public Service Team Leona Adams updated the Siebel system with new appointments, changes, and cancellations this week. The Field Organization Appointment Report was generated and sent to each Section Manager by e-mail. Leona entered 15 new appointments including those for EC, DEC, OES, PIO, PIC and ASM positions and sent out the corresponding supplies. Study materials were sent to two OO applicants and section budgets were updated. Leona also prepared the ballot counting process for the four upcoming SM elections in Northern Florida, Illinois, Santa Clara Valley and Oregon. The deadline to receive SM ballots for all four sections was May 19th at 4 p.m. Ballot counting will take place on Tuesday, May 23rd with the help of staff. Chuck Skolaut received a monitoring request from the FCC asking for assistance from Official Observers to monitor a 20 meter frequency. The FCC followed up on an earlier case reported by Official Observers of a business in Maine interfering with a 2 meter repeater. A continuing case of interference on 75 meters is being investigated by OOs and several reports of individuals using former calls of active amateurs were reported. An updated report of ARES activity in Eastern Massachusetts and New Hampshire due to flooding this week was received. After many days of rain in mid May, flooding conditions in New England (especially in Eastern Massachusetts and New Hampshire) prompted ARES, RACES and SKYWARN operators to activate. Rick Lindquist gathered and prepared news reports for the ARRL Web. Steve Ewald checked into Citizen Corps monthly teleconference for its affiliates. Discussions focused on the National Citizen Corps and Affiliates Meeting set for June 1 and 2 in Washington D.C. Steve is making plans to attend on behalf of League HQ. ARISS PR: A 2-page photo of SuitSat appears in the June issue of Popular Science. A write up, entitled "Tossed in Space," accompanies the photograph. Frank Bauer and Rosalie gave a talk on ARISS at the Dayton AMSAT Forum with 150 people listening. Rosalie gave two talks at ARRLs Dayton Mini-Stage. Lou McFadin, W5DID, gave a SuitSat talk at the Dayton AMSAT banquet. For ARRL Members: AMSAT is holding a "Chicken Little" contest to see who can guess when SuitSat-1 will re-enter the earths atmosphere. There are three entry categories: K-8, 9-12 and adult. Certificates will be provided to winners of each group. To enter the contest, go to: HYPERLINK "http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/ariss/suitsatContest.php" http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/ariss/suitsatContest.php ARISS News Update: The ARISS Team submitted questions for the official NASA debriefing of Bill McArthur, KC5ACR. International Aspects: The ARISS QSO in Takasago, Japan, was covered by one TV station and a newspaper. ARISS Team faxed 50th birthday congratulations to Deputy Commander of Cosmonauts Alexander Kaleri, U8M. Amateur Radio Education & Technology ProgramMark Spencer Not much to report from the Project. I was at Dayton for most of the week and had a good crowd most of the time. There will be more to submit in next weeks report. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Staff Absentee List All Staff 5/29 Holiday Dave Sumner 5/26 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 5/30 Vacation `` 6/19-6/23 Vacation Mary Hobart 6/9-6/11 Ham Comm, Dallas, TX Mike Gruber 6/5-6/6 Vacation Joe Carcia 5/26 Vacation `` 6/30-7/7 Vacation Kathy Allison 7/7-7/14 Vacation Katie Breen 6/26-7/5 Vacation Ed Hare 6/9-6/11 Midwest Division Convention, Sioux City, NE `` 6/22-6/24 IEEE BPL Meeting, Montreal, Canada Joel Kleinman 5/31-6/9 Vacation Steve Ewald 5/18-5/26 Vacation Steve Ford 6/13-6/14 Assoc. Publishing Conference, Washington, DC Diane Szlachetka 5/26-5/30 Vacation Dan Henderson 6/2-6/4 Georgia State Convention, Marietta, GA Bill Moore 6/20-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany Convention Bob Inderbitzen 6/20-6/27 Friedrichshafen Germany Convention & Vacation Jo-Ann Arel 6/28 Vacation Khrystyne Keane 5/26 Vacation `` 6/6 Vacation Perry Williams 6/23-7/15 Vacation !%'INPQRop ŠÇÈÉÌÍÏá÷óìåì×ìåìåìÌÄ圎«¢«¢«œugug[hH7DB*CJaJph33h@>*B*CJaJph33hH7D>*B*CJaJph33 h·])hH7D5B*CJaJph33hH7D5B*CJaJph33h@>*CJ\hH7D>*CJ\hH7D5CJ\ hH7DCJ\hH7DCJaJhWYhŸjCJaJhÏæhWY5CJ\aJhH7D5\hWY5\hWYhJÐhWY5 !PQRop ¥ŠÈáâãçèP Q R ^ _ å ÷òòòòòððëëëëëëëëæááááæØØØ 7$8$H$gdUKÚgdvUÔgdŽ"¬gdH7DgdWY$a$gdWYÒ;ýáâãæç R ^ Ç È xyabtvÞßš»¿äåüuvûðèãÛÓÇÓ¿ŽèŽèŽèŽè¯§vjvbvjvbvbvhŽ"¬CJaJhŽ"¬hŽ"¬6CJaJhŽ"¬hŽ"¬CJaJhŽ"¬hŽ"¬5hŽ"¬hï`âCJaJhï`âCJaJhï`âhï`âCJaJhï`âhï`â5 hï`â5hUKÚhUKÚCJaJhUKÚhUKÚ5h¡7hvUÔCJH*aJhvUÔCJaJh¡7hvUÔ5 hvUÔ5hUKÚCJaJhÓwhH7DB*CJaJph33"å æ CD tuvíîš©äåbßàáõööööööööññèèèèèèñññññññãããgd¹X~ 7$8$H$gdï`âgdŽ"¬ 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