I'll have to agree with all the assessments of the Huntsville
Convention - it was one of the best in years. There were so many
things that were spot-on that I have to really congratulate the HQ
staff on their planning and execution. H'ville is one of the hamfests
Amy and I try to make each year, and I can tell you this year's was
exceptional. The League area was well planned and there was plenty of
interest, as proven by the traffic all day long. I'd be real
interested in the final figures as to how the Expo area did.
One of my highlights, as it was for others, was the "invasion" of the
Expo area by our next-generation hams during the transmitter hunt. It
was a hoot watching them, and I happened to be sitting in the booth
where the transmitter was hidden when one on them found it. Do you
remember that kind of enthusiasm you had when you first got into Ham
Radio? Infectious!
It was great to see all the visiting HQ staff, the Directors, Vice
Directors, and Officers who were able to make the trip, and the
accommodations at the Embassy were exceptional (maybe we ought to have
a winter BOD meeting there sometime, eh?).
Anyway, thanks to all for a great weekend. See some of you folks next
month in Starkville!
Karl, WA5TMC
"Of, By, and For..." - Not just words!
Karl Bullock, WA5TMC
ARRL Vice Director - Delta Division
321 CR 458
Ripley, MS 38663
662 512-8053