----- Original Message ----- From: Coy Day <n5ok.ok@worldnet.att.net> To: <arrl-odv@arrl.org> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 8:36 AM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:7044] Re: Email SPAM
I understand there is a way to mask your e-mail address on a web site to keep these web crawlers from picking them up. Anyone have any information on such a technique?
Coy, The NCJ of a couple issues back (sorry, just back from Phoenix and too lazy to look up the exact reference....) gave details on some lines of html you can add to your website to apparently wreak a bit of havoc on the address harvesters. Maybe someone has the article reference at hand? I haven't yet tried it out on my website, so can't speak to its effectiveness. So far, I've relied on the DELETE key but George's info and your inquiry have me thinking about going more proactive. 73 Bruce