The purpose of this message is to apprise the Board of an issue related to credit card charges for a substantial number of applications submitted for Centennial awards. When the window to apply for Centennial awards was opened on March 25, applications and credit card charges flowed smoothly. However, beginning on April 4 an error resulted in credit cards not being charged. The error was caught in the end-of-month reconciliation of accounts on May 4. While no credit cards were charged for applications received during this period, most of the applications were fulfilled. The total amount at issue was approximately $18,000. Despite not retaining credit card information, we were able to identify those individuals with customer profiles already in our system and apply the appropriate charges accordingly. This accounted for approximately $7,000. Of the remaining 517 applications, 375 have been fulfilled without payment, representing approximately $8,000, and 143 have yet to be fulfilled. We are in the process of reaching out to these individuals directly via e-mail, explaining the situation, apologizing for the inconvenience, and asking them to resubmit their applications including payment information. The e-mails are scheduled to be sent tomorrow (Tuesday). For verification purposes the e-mails will include a specific name and phone number for people to contact. Dave K1ZZ