The info below is not included in the attached VUAC report which
will be made public. As per Part 1.B VUAC desires to have an explanatory
document produced prior to or with release of any changes adopted in the EME
The attached file EME_v5.doc is the VUAC's proposed text for the EME
K0BJ PSC chair
VUAC Proposal, December 20, 2008
Part 1: EME Contest Rules
A) Adopt reformulated ARRL EME contest rules as documented in
EME_v5.doc (attached).
B) Prior to release of the updated EME contest rules that
the VUAC work with the ARRL staff to establish a document that discusses
the rational for the rule changes and that this document be placed on the ARRL's
website for the purpose of improved communication with the EME contest
Part 2: Rover rules. Change the General
VHF Contest Rules to read:
2.3.8. Any rover making more than 30 contacts with any one other
rover, or more than 50% of its total contacts with other rovers, will be placed
in the Unlimited Rover category.
2.4. Limited Rover. Same as the "Rover" class above but
participates with no more than the four lowest frequency bands that are defined
for any given contest. Their output power is restricted to the same
power levels as those defined for the Single Operator Low Power category
Part 3: Minimum distance rule. Modify the General VHF
Contest Rules to read:
1.10 While no minimum distance is specified for contacts,
equipment shall have been demonstrated to be capable of communications at a
range of at least 1 km.
Part 4: Add club competition to the August UHF
Contest. Modify General Contest rule 8.1.9 by
adding the following section:
8.1.9 (August) UHF Contest.
---- end