confused. It sounds as if Chris is referring to the legislation that would force
the national wildlife service to let DXpeditioners do their thing on those
islands that are now off-limits. I can see why that proposal would create some
bad karma for ham radio on the Hill and why its existence would annoy
John Chwat.
I think Tom was talking about the Santorum legislation that would make the
national weather service stop "competing" with the private sector weather
outfits, the biggest of which is helping Santorum fund his re-election campaign.
>From the article Tom cited, it's not so clear to experts what the effects of
this legislation would be, but one potential down-side would be hampering the
Skywarn program that's an important part of ham radio public service in many
areas of the country. Seems to me that hams do have a dog in this fight and
that the ARRL might reasonably oppose the legislation because it could hinder
amateurs from performing life-saving service to our communities during severe
weather emergencies.
It's not
jumping out at me why the Santorum legislation per se would be perceived on the
Hill as showing ham radio in a negative light at the present time or how our
taking a position against this unpopular proposal would have any harmful effect
on our overall legislative effort.
73 - Kay