Vol. 35, No. 49
December 5, 2012 -- Covers the period November 25-December 1.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Administration & Finance Committee
January 17 @ 8:30am in New Orleans, LA
Programs & Services Committee
January 17 @ 9:00am in New Orleans, LA
Annual Board Meeting
January 18-19, 2013 @ 9:00am in New Orleans, LA
Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD
More than $844,000 in cash and stock gifts have been secured toward the Second Century Campaign this year. Total cash and pledges for the SCC total more than $3.8 million. SCC pledge reminders are being sent out this week. Cultivation for Maxim Society donors for the Campaign are on-going.
An estate gift added $71,000 to the ARRL Endowment (separate from the SCC).
A Year-End e-blast was sent out on Nov. 30 and Dec. 3 to 80,000 ARRL members. Members are being offered a $10 Donor Rewards Certificate if they make a gift to any ARRL Fund of $50 or more. Many thanks to Publications for allowing this special offer.
The Diamond Club has raised $212,614 from 1,147 donors and is currently at 77% of the goal for 2012.
The Spectrum Defense Fund has raised $298,788 from 2,396 donors – including a recent stock gift valued at $63,885. It is at 79% of goal.
The W1AW Endowment Campaign has raised $54,303 in contributions from 875 donors and is at 70% of goal.
The Education & Technology Program has raised $68,559 from 646 donors and $109,000 toward TI gifts. Two additional gifts toward TI are expected by the end of the year. We are at 105% of goal.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
Diane Petrilli reports that November ended with 159,637 members—592 members more than October; a bigger gain that we had a forecasted. 72% of November 2012 expirees paid on time (vs. 72% last November). Membership is ahead of the year-to-date forecast by 612 members. Several e-mailings, including promotions conducted during the Thanksgiving holiday, returned applications for nearly 500 memberships. The top sources of membership acquisition in November included responses to a recent mailing, an appeal to new licensees, and applications taken via the ARRL website and by telephone.
Jackie Ferreira reports that November product sales were $294,700—extremely close to the month’s sales forecast of $294,804. Direct sales were $187,263; dealer sales were $107,437. Year to date sales are $2,828,963 -- 99% of the forecast goal. Direct sales were up almost 13% over November 2011. A follow-up mailing featuring the new editions of The ARRL Handbook, The ARRL Operating Manual, The Amateur Radio Public Service Handbook and the 22nd Edition of The ARRL Antenna Book contributed $18,326 in combined sales this month. Promotions prepared for the Thanksgiving holiday, including “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday,” contributed to peak levels of online ordering. We received 1,266 orders over the seven days beginning with Thanksgiving—up 16% over 2011. This year’s “Cyber Monday” promotion (which was extended into Tuesday) generated $16,969 in sales.
Bob Inderbitzen prepared a variety of promotions for the audience following ARRL’s Facebook page. These generated some impressive click-through-rates—contributing to both publication sales and membership.
Summary of Sales and Marketing Department telephone group (reported by Amy Hurtado):
Week of | Phone calls | Per hour | Average wait | Complete without transfer |
11/19/12 | 662 | 25 | 41 seconds | 82% |
11/26/12 | 1,324 | 29 | 45 seconds | 81% |
For the month of November a total of 4,308 calls were received by the Sales and Marketing Department.
Member Service Representatives processed 3,941 orders in November (3,823 in November 2011).
Summary of warehouse fulfillment activity (reported by Steve Capodicasa):
Week of | Packages fulfilled | Member Premiums |
11/26/12 | 2,014 | 1,763 |
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
DXCC Branch | Credits | Applications |
2011 Carryover | 214,257 | 1,666 |
2012 Received | 1,160,263 | 11,296 |
Cumulative Total | 1,374,520 | 12,962 |
2012 Processed | 1,342,540 | 12,651 |
Remaining | 31,980 | 311 |
Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time | 4 Weeks | |
LoTW Processing Time | 5 Business Days |
Logbook of the World
Category | November 2012 | % Change Jan–Nov 2012 |
QSO Records Entered Into System | 458,410,279 | 14% |
QSL Record Matches | 62,488,268 | 21% |
Logs Processed | 3,718,897 | 28% |
Active Certificates | 80,954 | 13% |
Registered Users in System | 53,896 | 12% |
Logbook Inquiries | November 2012 |
Emails | 1,597 |
Phone Calls | 211 |
Total | 1,808 |
Joe updated the web code practice files. He created the texts for the December W1AW Qualifying Runs. Joe also processed three Qualifying Run certificates. He updated the web Qualifying Run schedules for 2013. And, in the previous week, Joe assisted Andrew Toth of XX Towers Inc. with the installation of the 2m/70cm Satellite antennas for W1HQ.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
One radio amateur from Western Pennsylvania successfully completed requirements to become an Official Observer this past week. A carrier that is heard every two minutes was reported on 7040 kHz. It’s is being investigated. The New York City –Long Island Official Observer Coordinator is following up on reports of interference to several local repeaters. Questions this week involved properly identifying tests on the air, the ISS uplink frequency, operating overseas, and information included on APRS beacons. Chuck Skolaut handled one morning code practice session at W1AW.
Leona Adams received a petition nominating incumbent Tom Brehmer, N0LOH, for another term as Iowa Section Manager. Petitions for this SM election cycle are due at Headquarters by Friday, December 7.
Education Services
Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ
Education & Technology Program
We received and reviewed 11 school station and progress grant requests. Our recommendations were forwarded to the Executive Committee, and were unanimously accepted. Requests for notification about the 2013 schedule of Teachers Institutes continue to arrive—we now have a notification list of 75 names.
Mark Spencer, WA8SME advanced development of the SeaPerch marine robot (a program sponsored by US Office of Naval Research) outfitting it with remote sensing devices including a temperature sensor, pressure sensor, light sensor, a compass module, as well as a device for collecting a water sample. Most recently he has also outfitted the SeaPerch with an XBee RF module, which enables the Sea Perch to receive commands via packet radio, and as a way of integrating learning opportunities about satellite communications, also via the packet station on the ISS. This RF module outfits the SeaPerch rover to perform as part of the MAREA (Mars Lander/Marine ARISS/Amateur Radio Robotic Explorer Activity) program as another option to the land based BoeBot rover that the ETP plans to roll out as a new curriculum expansion next year. At the invitation of the SeaPerch technology instructor at Central Connecticut State University, Mark gave a presentation to a class of technology education students, demonstrating the educational opportunities for integrating real time scientific research of marine environments with the engineering and communications technology of the robot platform utilizing packet radio. The presentation resulted in a request to provide a one-day workshop for local technology education teachers.
A new proposal window has just opened for contacts to be scheduled May – November 2013. Details will be announced in a website news story, in the ARRL Letter and are posted on the ARRL website at: We developed a promotional handout for ARISS utilizing a reprint of the article appearing on p. 75 of November QST that featured the ARISS contact at Northland Preparatory School. Copies of the handout may be obtained from Education Services.
Students at Indian Trail Middle School in Palm Coast, FL participated in a direct contact with astronaut Sunita Williams, KD5PLB on November 16 that was broadcast to students throughout the school district. Flagler Palm Coast Amateur Radio Club provided the ground station and has been developing a relationship with the school bringing ham radio activities and resources to support hands-on learning activities with students. Scheduled November contacts included two contacts with schools in Switzerland, three with Italy, one with India, and one with Russia.
Licensing Instruction and Instructor Support
We completed development of a Technician privileges band chart. This band chart is intended to improve clarity for students who are preparing for licensing as a Technician, and to provide utility for new hams and Technician operators. You can view, download and print the new band chart at: We also plan to include this band chart in the next revision of the Ham Radio License Manual.
Nathan McCray, K9CPO wrapped up a General License class he has been instructing at HQ for staff. Work continues on developing an Instructor Orientation course and a radio and wireless technology patch program for Girl Scouts.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations
Holiday 12/24-12/25 Holiday
Joe Carcia 12/20pm PTO
Lauren Clarke 12/26-12/31 PTO
Steve Capodicasa 12/4 PTO
`` 1/16 PTO
Steve Ewald 11/26-11/30 PTO
Jackie Ferreira 12/31 PTO
Steve Ford 12/20-1/2 PTO
Scott Gee 12/10-12/11 PTO
Scott Gee 12/21-12/26 PTO
Dan Henderson 12/17-1/7 PTO
Mary Hobart 12/26 PTO
Amy Hurtado 12/17-12/21 PTO
Gail Iannone 12/21-12/31 PTO
Bob Inderbitzen 12/26-12/31 PTO
Debra Johnson 12/10 PTO
`` 12/26-12/27 PTO
Khrystyne Keane 12/7 PTO
`` 12/14 PTO
`` 12/21-31 PTO
Lisa Kustosik 11/30-12/3 PTO
Maryann Macdonald 12/26-28 PTO
Nathan McCray 12/28 PTO
Diane Petrilli 12/14 PTO
`` 12/21 PTO
`` 12/31 PTO
Barry Shelley 12/17-12/19 PTO
Dave Sumner 12/14-12/19 Business Travel
`` 12/26 PTO
`` 12/31-1/2 PTO