ARRL Weekly Update on Hill Visits

Week of November 5, 2007


Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee (GOP staff) – Tuesday, November 6


Chris Imlay and I met with Christine Kurth, Republican Staff Director and General Counsel of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.  Senator Stevens (R-AK) is the Ranking Member.  Chris had met with Christine sometime ago.  Chris and I explained our problems with interference caused by BPL, and Chris did a great job in going in detail about what technical problems hams and other emergency communications operators will experience should interference occur.  We then explained S. 1629 and its importance to us.  Christine was fairly quiet, and just listened.  We asked her about the possibility of a broadband bill coming before Congress either later this session or sometime next year, and she didn’t know about the prospects.  She said she would take a look at the legislation and speak with the Senator about it.  While she may not have had much insight or intel, I think it was good to at least make her aware of the ARRL’s concerns and let her know about S. 1629.  I will follow up with her. 



House Energy and Commerce Committee (GOP staff) – Tuesday, November 6


Chris Imlay and I went to visit with Courtney Reinhard, the House Energy and Commerce Telecom Counsel for the Republican side.  Representative Upton (R-MI) is the Ranking Member for the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet.   Again, Chris went into great detail about the interference potential that hams are experiencing due to BPL.  We explained the need for further study by the FCC, and Chris detailed the four study points in H.R. 462.  Courtney seemed very interested, and asked a lot of good questions.  She mentioned that she is concerned about unlicensed users having access to the spectrum.  We noted that a similar study provision was included in H.R. 5252, the Telecom Act from the 109th Congress.  She seemed very receptive to our concerns, and I will follow up with her.