Dick, I agree, and I know it is well intentioned. Please also leave me off of the electronic greeting card providers. Thanks! - Bill N3LLR AR>17 DEC, 2002 - 1400 CST AR>Many members of our board family exchange Christmas cards in various AR>ways ranging from the classic snail-mail variety, to sending attached AR>PDF and JPG file greeting cards, and using third party (paid and free) AR>electronic greeting card (EGC) providers. It's this last (and cheapest) AR>method I want to talk about. AR>Using third party EGCs is another way of making both the sender and the AR>receiver more likely to receive unwanted SPAM messages. The sender has AR>to input the email address of the intended receiver(s) and this is the AR>primary reason these sites have been set up. The sender has supplied a AR>"good" email address that will be sold/transferred/swapped with/to other AR>commercial interests. AR>Therefore, I ask that you please DO NOT send me a third party EGC. AR>Please use the U.S. mail, or scan and convert your card to a PDF or JPG AR>file and attach it to an email message. I hate to sound like the Grinch, AR>but I'm now dumping an average of 25 percent of all my inbound email AR>messages as SPAM. AR>With this off my chest, I do wish all of you and your families the best AR>in this holiday season and I look forward to seeing all of you in January. AR>73 - Dick, W9GIG