Actually Art, we've received several
different versions of the issue from a variety of Earthlink staff, mostly the
technical support people. This is just one of the versions. I know this because
I've personally talked to their technical people several times over the
past couple of weeks.
I was able to finally talk to a live human
being late yesterday afternoon who seemed very willing to discuss the issue and
work together to solve the problem. He happens to be a Radio Amateur in the
office of the CEO of Earthlink. I had written the CEO about the problem. His
version, and the one he's working with us to resolve, has apparently little to
do with spam, per se. He claims, after reviewing their internal procedures, that
there is a high percentage of e-mail coming into Earthlink from that
contains either non-existent or closed account addresses. On the surface, this
would indicate that a spammer is at work just e-mailing to any combination of
letters/numbers (called a "dictionary attack") hoping to hit some real addresses
at Earthlink.
The Earthlink process for "null routing"
(basically sending all mail from an offending domain into the bit bucket) is
completely automated, untouched by human hands. If the volume of mail to closed
accounts as a percentage of the total of all the mail, gets above a certain
limit, their process of delaying mail (null routing) kicks in.
What may be happening here is that a
percentage of our members have switched their home e-mail addresses but failed
to tell us. While most are active Radio Amateurs and it doesn't seem likely,
this is the reason I'm being given at this point. If you are a conspiracy
theorist (which I am not), you might believe that a spammer is "spoofing" the domain in the "from" address of the messages to Earthlink and, at the
same time, using a dictionary attack which would create the same situation.
Either way, our new Earthlink contact is willing to work with us to try and
resolve the problem. We will be trying to match our address list with their
valid accounts and will purge any account that is being forwarded to a
closed or nonexistent Earthlink account. If what we are being told is true,
this should resolve the problem.
Certainly no one likes to get spam.
Although, I am a believer in economics and think that, if no one was making
money off this junk, no one would be doing it. But I digress. The real culprits
are not Earthlink or but the ISPs all over the world that allow their
sites to be used as entry points for this junk. That's why blackhole lists exist
although they are problematic as well. But the perception is that whoever's
domain is in the address is responsible for getting rid of the spam. It doesn't
matter that the individual has posted his or her e-mail address all over the
Internet for anyone to send things to, valid mail or junk. The perception is
that its not the individual's problem. No one wants to hear that.
Of course, could install spam
filtering (at a cost which, to this point, has been deemed too expensive).
Earthlink spends hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on it, probably in the
millions. As Jay pointed out in a recent note, there is a small sub committee of
A&F looking at this right now and will be making a recommendation. The
bottom line is that it will probably cost money and we will have to make the
decision if this is important enough to have resources applied to it,
particularly in light of our recent strategic planning session that identified
new strategies that will also require resources. It may be that we have to
charge the members for it. That remains to be seen.
If I can provide any more information,
please let me know.
Barry, N1VXY
-----Original Message-----
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 8:34
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [ARRL-ODV:9537] Re:
Well, this is a different story than the one Barry was told this
afternoon by an assistant to the Earthlink President.
-----Original Message-----
From: Goddard, Art
(Dir, SW)
Sent: Tue 9/30/2003 12:04 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [ARRL-ODV:9535]
Here is the reply of an Earthlink Network Abuse Engineer to
one of our
Members (
In the e-mail, the engineer says
the mail our Member received from ARRL
contains misrepresentations and
false assertions. But the ARRL Member can
rely on Earthlink to get
the truth.
Neat, huh?
73, Art
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 13:39:32 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Issue
>We apologize for the confusion caused by the
mail you may have
>received from In this mail they
have made several
>misrepresentations, such as the statement that
EarthLink is
>blocking all mail from This is not the
case. Neither
>is their assertion that this department claimed
they were an open
>In truth,'s servers
have periodically triggered
>automated "self-defense" mechanisms on
our mail servers. These
>temporary blocks are triggered not
simply by high volumes of
>unsolicited e-mail, but disproportionately
high ratios of spam to
>legitimate mail.
>In the case of, this is due to the fact that the
>administrators of
have chosen to take a completely hands
>off position in the fight
against spam, doing nothing to prevent
>the unsolicited e-mail that is
originally addressed to users in
>that domain from being propagated
throughout the rest of the
>While the
EarthLink Abuse department does not maintain this
>particular process
and has no control over it, we have explained,
>in great depth and
detail, the cause of the problem and what
>steps can be taken to
prevent these blocks in the future.
>In summary, the ability
to prevent these temporary blocks from
>being triggered lies
completely within the control of
>Further questions about
how they choose to run their services and
>the resulting issues should
be referred directly to
><> and/or
<>, who make the
>decisions about the
administration of's
>Louis Rush
Network Abuse Engineer