Something I think that at least deserves our consideration. Yes, it is from a non-US ham, but since we are considering increasing data rates on HF, why not also VHF/UHF? I would support at least looking into this. 73 Ria, N2RJ ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: M5AKA via Groups.Arrl.Org <m5aka=yahoo.co.uk@groups.arrl.org> Date: Mon, Oct 28, 2019 at 9:25 AM Subject: Re: [ARRL-IARU] overlap between amateur and ISM bands: an unexpected benefit To: <ARRL-IARU@groups.arrl.org> Dave K1ZZ, in its 2013 petition RM-11708 the ARRL recognized the iniquity of the 1980 Symbol Rate Restriction for HF operation. Is ARRL also pushing FCC to scrap the 56 kilobaud symbol rate restriction and the 100 kHz bandwidth restriction in the 70cm band - 97.307 (f)(6) ? 73 Trevor M5AKA _._,_._,_