Jim, just to clarify: there is no human intervention required between a LOTW upload and processing, whether it comes in via the web or via email.
Dave K1ZZ

From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org on behalf of James F. Boehner MD
Sent: Fri 12/28/2012 2:01 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:21351] LoTW


Thanks for the clarification.  So, it would follow that if someone sends an
adif file of their entire log rather than new/corrected contacts, the system
gets bogged down.

When I go to the LOTW pages, there appears to be no request to submit
partial logs, particularly on the "upload file" page.  >From trusted QSL, it
is an option, although there is no encouragement to do so.

This may be a concept that most members do not understand.  I know I sent
full logs in the past.

Perhaps an education piece on the LOTW website or incorporated into Trusted
QSL could supplement the current efforts of hardware upgrades.

Those of the board family that are receiving complaints could certainly ask
the individuals how they are submitting logs, full or partial.

It is a sign of the times.  In the past, we would normally wait numerous
years for gathering QSL's and submitting them to the ARRL for credit,
generally associated with a significant expense (postage, green
stamps/IRC's, SASE's, Registered mail, etc.).  Now there is just a minimal
fee (LOTW), and credit is expected immediately.  Whew.

I really do not understand the magnitude of the outcry when the LOTW system
is not operating perfectly.  It should be common knowledge that computer
systems, no matter how well designed, can fail.  With the volume that system
handles, it will take some processing time.  I know the data can be sent via
e-mail or the website.  I do not know if that data is directly imported to
LOTW, or requires human intervention to do so.  If a staff member has to
input the data file, eliminating that step could be another opportunity to
speed up processing. 

After hearing the complaints after the last downtime, I attempted to join
the ARRL-LOTW yahoogroup-my membership was denied...

 I think the ARRL's response was timely and appropriate, responding with a
short term and long term plan.  This is the information that I give members.
I am interested as to how well these SSHD's work with LOTW.  My son put one
in his computer and a full Windows 7 boot-up takes all of 35 seconds!

'73 de JIM N2ZZ

-----Original Message-----
From: arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org
[mailto:arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org] On Behalf Of Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 3:55 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:21350] Re: LoTW

Tom said:

>The hardware upgrade should provide a fairly immediate impact, but the
impact of duplicate records will need work in the future.    They're
working hard to get the new drives on line as soon as possible.

>Barry - correct me if I'm wrong ...

Barry has some meetings this afternoon, but I can provide an update.

Tom, you're right. The hardware arrived, is installed, and appears to be
meeting expectations. There's more work and testing to be done before it's
ready for "production" but so far, so good.

As I understand it, files that are exact duplicates aren't much of a
problem. Files that consist mostly, but not entirely, of duplicate QSOs are
more of a problem. This occurs, for example, when someone uploads their
entire log every time rather than just the new QSOs, or when someone makes
corrections to a contest log and sends the whole thing again rather than
just the corrected QSOs. The question of how best to deal with duplicates
will be addressed after the new hardware is on line.

Dave Sumner, K1ZZ

P.S. Until this morning I had only been in the office for three hours since
December 13, the result of a combination of travel, illness and holiday. I
am taking Friday and Monday off and plan to be in the office full time
beginning on January 2. If you have sent me an email and are waiting for a
reply, please be patient -- my queue is not as large as LoTW's but unlike
LoTW I am not working through it on a strict first-in/first-out basis.

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