Congratulations Brian!  Great lookin' kid!  Glad mom and son are well.

Karl, WA5TMC
"Of, By, and For..." - Not just words!
Karl Bullock, WA5TMC
ARRL Vice-Director - Delta Division
321 CR 458
Ripley, MS  38663
662 512-8053

Brian Mileshosky wrote:

Hi Everyone --


Two weeks earlier than expected, Katelyn (KA5TLN) and I are pleased to introduce our new son and future ham, Landon Patrick Mileshosky.  Details and pics are in the attached PDF document.  Delivery was suprisingly fast, Katelyn and Landon are doing awesome, and Audrey (almost 2 years old) is figuring out what this 'baby brother' thing is all about!



Brian N5ZGT

ARRL Director, Rocky Mountain Division