<<083111.doc>> IN-Newsletter <<Microsoft Word Picture>> Vol. 34, No. 35 August 31, 2011 -- Covers the period August 21-27. Upcoming Meetings and Events Executive Committee: October 1 @ 8:30am - Dulles, VA United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI) October 3-7 - ARRL HQ Section Managers' Workshop October 21-23 - ARRL HQ Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections November 18 - ARRL HQ Media & Public Relations Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP An initial press release, "Hams prepare for Irene - getting ahead of the hurricane" was sent out both to the PR email reflector and also in the PR Web wire service in the days leading up to the arrival of Irene. On Thursday, Aug 25, contacts were made by phone and email with news desks at The Weather Channel, CNN, NY Times, MSNBC, Fox News, AP, Hartford Courant, and others to remind them of the hams' activities and provide a point of contact. A simple one-page media information form (fill in the blank) was also sent out via the PR email reflector for hams to have and send to local media. It was also requested that this form be sent out on the SM reflector. During the Thursday and Friday night webinar conferences, it became clear that several of the sections involved had not given consideration to the media function. After pushing the issue we got a contact person for most, but not all, of the sections but it was clear that while they might respond to media inquiries, most of them would be passive and not initiate any contact with media. Happily there were exceptions to this with excellent work done by Ray Woodward, K3VSA (NC); Walt Palmer, W4ALT (DE); Cory Sickles, WA3UVV (NJ); Tammy Livingston, KI4PTJ (SC) and Dana Borgman, KA1WPM (CT). Despite significant power outages up and down the east coast, commercial networks held up relatively well to Irene as reported in the New York Times <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/29/us/29cell.html?_r=1> . For many, wireless networks were the only thing that really worked (aside from ham radio) during the storm, providing helpful news on the storm in large part thanks to networks like Twitter. At this time the FCC reports they're still analyzing the storm's impact, but no 911 center was without service and that it had received no reports of public safety communications disruptions. Mike Corey also had no reports of any emergency center losing normal communications. As such, there was little activity that was newsworthy for the major media outlets. Media hits were local or just passing comments in generic articles. Media hits are listed at www.arrl.org/media-hits . The September issue of CONTACT! has been posted, and a new "Now Hear This" posted. Instructional video taken for me by Ken Bailey during the W1AW pre-Irene orientation has been edited and is being kept at W1AW for future emergency needs. On Tuesday, Aug 30th I aided Mike Corey in his presentation on TwiT's Ham Nation. Development Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH Development welcomed Lauren Clarke as the new Individual Giving Manager in the Development Office. Lauren is getting up to speed and will be working with CDO Hobart, Margie Bourgoin and Maryann Macdonald on day-to-day operations related to fund raising and management of the Development annual budget. The Second Century Campaign committee welcomed its newest member, Steven M. West, W7SMW to the group. Steve is a resident of Incline Village NV and has additional homes in Lake Tahoe and the San Francisco Bay area. The copy for the next issue of Spectrum Defense Matters is nearly complete. The plan is for this second issue for 2011 to go out the end of September and the third issue in November. These two issues will be vital to boosting funding for the Spectrum Defense Fund. The ARRL Diamond Club has reached nearly 70% of its 2011 goal. Production/Editorial Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE The new 22nd edition of The ARRL Antenna Book has been released to the printer. Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for August 25, 2011. Lab Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI Product Review Bob Allison completed testing of a software defined receiver. Test results, our test methods and an explanation of the Lab's discovery of IMD performance behavior were shared with the manufacturer's design team. Bob also tested a pocket sized signal generator for Product Review. This handy device is programmed by software and was found to be very accurate and stable. Bob also tested a small dual band HT that has an incredibly low price, but found serious test issues. Communications have been initiated with the US distributor of this HT. Radio Frequency Interference The Bob Thacker, K3GT power line noise case in Pittsburgh area remains ongoing. The utility has responded to the FCC. The complainant now reports that the noise has been fixed in all directions but one. This is where the FCC left off during its investigation in May. The utility only seems capable of fixing noise after someone else finds it for them. This case has now gone on for almost ten years since it was first reported to the ARRL. We were able to find all the sources in all but one direction in just a few hours. The Lakeland Power Line Noise case may have finally progressed somewhat. The complainant's daughter, Debbie, has contracted a local interference investigator to find the cause of the problem. He found four sources in the complainant's neighborhood. The utility fixed them, and the complainant reports an improvement in his noise levels. Unfortunately, the FCC has failed to provide meaningful enforcement in this case. Although it was first reported to the ARRL in 2003, the noise could have been corrected years ago with a technically competent field investigation. Thanks to help from Bob Allison and Ed Hare, the conducted emissions test room is back on line. We've already looked at a number of bulbs, including fluorescent and LED bulbs. Sales and Marketing Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R The warehouse crew fulfilled 622 packages for publication and product orders, 320 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements. Information is being compiled for the annual Sworn Circulation Statement for the US Postal Service. RFPs are being prepared to solicit bids from printers for the next QST contract (2012-2015). Diane Petrilli and Harold Kramer attended the Huntsville Hamfest in Alabama. They collected 96 membership applications, 35 of which were lapsed and first time members. The applications totaled 136 member years. Following a scheduled lull in membership mailings during the summer months, three mailings are planned for release in September: one to previous purchasers of ARRL publications who were never ARRL members; a test postcard to lapsed members; and a larger campaign to lapsed and "never" members. We have been testing a new version of the 4th membership renewal notice. Early results are promising, with the new mailing return nearly twice as many as the old (control) mailing. We will continue the compare results for at least 2 more months. A new version of the 1st membership renewal notice is being wrapped up. The new notice is significantly simplified. With help from IT, the form includes a high level of "personalization"--even customizing the renewal application based on a member's selections from a previous renewal. For testing purposes, the new application will mail to 20% of renewing members during the next 3 months. Member Services Representative Sabrina Hughes has taken a position in the VEC Department. Good Luck Sabrina! The full-time position opening in the Sales and Marketing Department has been posted. Membership & Volunteer Programs Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N W1AW W1AW was active during Hurricane Irene's trek up the East Coast. Thanks to ARRL staffers Mike Corey, W5MPC, Sean Kutzko, KX9X, Ken Bailey, K1FUG, Bill Moore, NC1L, Steve Ewald, WV1X, Dan Henderson, N1ND, Steve Sant Andrea, AG1YK, Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, Jodi Morin, KA1JPA, and Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, for their time and effort put into the station during the activation. Activity was centered on the voice nets active on 80, 40 and 20 meters. In addition, W1AW was connected to the "WX_TALK" EchoLink weather net. The CT ARES net on 2-meters was monitored. W1AW's EchoLink conference server - normally used by hams to monitor the station's daily broadcasts - was opened up for possible use by Field Organization hams located in the affected areas. The station's IRLP node 4292 was monitored should hams in the affected areas use this mode for communication with ARRL. The W1HQ A (23 cm) D-Star module was monitored for the same reason. W1AW's HF WinLink system was activated. And, the station was on-standby to check into the various MARS nets if necessary. A new Yaesu FTdx5000 HF/6m transceiver was donated to W1AW. Yaesu's Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, was on hand Friday, August 26, to present the donation. Station Trustee Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, accepted the donation on behalf of W1AW. Joe spent the latter part of the week preparing W1AW for Hurricane Irene duty. This included a test of the station's 60 kW diesel generator. In addition, he worked with Molly Hardman, WØMOM, president of Alpha Radio Products, to correct a band-switching problem with W1AW's Alpha 9500 power amplifier. Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate and one endorsement. He also updated the web code practice files. Field Organization/Public Service Team On Tuesday, August 23, ballots for two Section Manager elections were counted by Leona Adams, Gail Iannone and Steve Ewald at ARRL Headquarters. Incumbent Georgia Section Manager Gene Clark, W4AYK, was re-elected and incumbent Western Washington Section Manager Jim Pace, K7CEX, was re-elected. New terms of office begin October 1. The following incumbent ARRL SMs did not face opposition and were declared elected for their next two-year terms of office beginning October 1: Mark Tharp, KB7HDX, Eastern Washington; David Greenhut, N6HD, Los Angeles; Ron Murdock, W6KJ, Sacramento Valley; Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV, San Francisco; Lee Cooper, W5LHC, South Texas; and Ann Rinehart, KA8ZGY, West Virginia. Colorado will be getting a new Section Manager starting on October 1. Jack Ciaccia, WM0G, be stepping into the Section Manager's position and will be taking over from Jeff Ryan, K0RM, who has been SM for ten years (since 2001). Jack Ciaccia was the only nominee to run for the position, and Jeff Ryan decided not to run for another term of office. Leona reports that there will be a Section Manager's election this fall in Kansas. Brian Short, KCØBS, of Olathe, has been nominated to run for the office, and incumbent Kansas SM Ron Cowan, KBØDTI, has also been nominated to run. Alabama SM David Drummond, W4MD, has been nominated to run for the next term of office starting on January 1, 2012. The receipt deadline for nominating petitions for this SM election cycle is September 9. Chuck Skolaut returned from the Kansas State Convention which attracted 350 attendees, a notable increase over the past few years. It provided a good opportunity for all to meet League officials as well as other hams from around the area. Vice President Bruce Frahm, KØBJ; Cliff Ahrens, KØCA, Midwest Director; Rod Blocksome, KØDAS, Vice Director; and Ron Cowan KBØDTI, Section Manager, were available to meet everyone and answer questions. A number of new and renewed memberships were received including one lifetime membership. One radio amateur from Los Angeles and one from Western Washington successfully completed requirements to become Official Observers this week. ARES, Field Organization and Section Leaders all along the East Coast prepared for Hurricane Irene. Sincerely Compiled by, Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ Assistant to the CEO Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations All Staff 9/5 Holiday Kathy Allison 9/2-9/9 Vacation Bob Allison 9/5-9/12 Vacation Scott Gee 9/7-9/9 Vacation `` 9/26-9/30 Vacation Mike Gruber 9/26-9/30 Vacation Dan Henderson 8/29-9/2 Vacation `` 9/15-9/26 Ten Tec Hamfest, Sevierville, TN/SEDCO/Vacation Mary Hobart 9/9 Vacation `` 9/22-9/23 W4DXCC `` 9/30 Vacation Gail Iannone 8/26-9/9 Vacation Sabrina Jackson 9/26 Jury Duty Joel Kleinman 9/1 Vacation `` 9/15 Vacation `` 9/21-9/23 Vacation Lisa Kustosik 9/7-9/14 Vacation Zack Lau 11/5-11/6 Iowa Section Convention, Davenport, IA Diane Petrilli 8/26-9/2 Vacation Steve Sant Andrea 9/26-9/27 Vacation Dave Sumner 9/16-9/23 Vacation Larry Wolfgang 9/1-9/12 Vacation `` 9/15-9/19 ARRL/TAPR DCC, Baltimore, MD `` 9/26 Vacation