14 Jun
14 Jun
5:28 p.m.
This week's Newsline mentions a petition filed by the Toledo Mobile Radio Association seeking additional privileges for Technicians on 10 meters. The petition has not been assigned an RM-number and since it has been assigned in error to the Media Bureau - the same fate that befell our petition for 472-479 kHz a few months ago - it's anyone's guess as to when that might happen, if at all. You can view the petition at http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/document/view?id=7022421955. Incidentally, the ARRL first petitioned for Technician access to 29.5-29.7 MHz in 1969. That petition, RM-1535, appears in full beginning on page 72 of January 1970 QST. 73, Dave K1ZZ