I agree with Kermit, but I would not make planning a hybrid meeting “conditional” on anything — I suggest that any in-person July Board and Committee meetings should be planned and implemented as hybrid meetings from the beginning. Far easier and safer to let some remote-participation electronics gear sit idle than to attempt to jerry-rig a hybrid set-up at the last minute. (Yes, I understand there is a cost associated with a hybrid set-up.) Also, for the time being, at least, I believe microphones at an in-person meeting should not be shared.Bud, W2RU_______________________________________________On Mar 10, 2021, at 10:11 AM, Kermit Carlson via arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> wrote:Hello ALL -I do agree that the shot will provide a path forward to allowcontrolled group gatherings with vaccinated individuals. SimilarlyI plan to be vaccinated as soon as possible - but there might be somepeople who are on the shot-clock after long-term symptoms of infections,who for medical reasons will be delayed in obtaining the vaccinations.I do happen to be in that group and the advice that I have beengiven for a possible timeline might allow for the two-week wait untilfull efficacy after the second application of the Pfizer vaccine. If inmy case that timeline does not hold and for anyone else similarly unableto travel to Newington then I certainly would demand that the technicaldetails of a hybrid meeting be implemented.Best Regards,73, Kermit Carlson W9XA
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