Here's an addendum to the previously forwarded NJDXA reflector message. Bob -- W6RGG ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve-KF2TI" <kf2ti@mindspring.com> To: <dx-news@njdxa.org> Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 6:58 PM Subject: [DX-NEWS] Special event addendum
I neglected to add, that if you want to QSL for working W1AW, then your qsl cards should go to the ARRL for confirmation as we will be using the W1AW callsign
The WAS (worked all steve's) award is something we are doing on our own and is separate, so if you are looking for a W1AW QSL, go to the league. If you are looking for a 3 STeve's award, we will take care of it for you
Sorry for any confusion
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