Thanks Howard. 

With any luck the new system will get us more correct data. This has always been a useless report in my opinion. I have used the new ham data extensively, have true "new members" would be great as we can engage wit them and not look foolish by congratulating them for joining, even after a one month lapse. :) 

73 and have a great weekend. 

Mark, HDX

On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 1:02 PM Michel, Howard, WB2ITX (CEO) <> wrote:

Hi Mark, ODV,

I had Michael Keane look into this.  Here is his  reply.

License data from the FCC update and join/renew member data from Siebel are uploaded monthly at end of month by Cathy Scharr. That's one the manual steps we're looking to automate in the conversion to Personify

As I understand it, the intention of having that data available for use by Division and Section leadership is to promote engagement and recruitment by those leaders and their designees -- encouraging new licensees to become members, to join local clubs, recruit new members to become active in the field org, etc.

Mark is correct that the "New ARRL Members" checkbox on the webform for New Amateur Reports is deceptively labeled since the records for both new and renewing members get uploaded to the DB on the web site with the same identifier of "Member." So there is no distinction maintained between those two types of "new member"transactions in the New Amateurs Reports database on the web.

Someone in the dim dark distant past probably  thought doing it this way was a good idea; or someone requested it be done this way as a feature enhancement. How and why it got he way it is is lost to history

This is an ancient mechanism for distributing this data. It may well have never been touched let alone changed in the 16 years that Mark has been using it, New Amateur Reports probably goes back to the dawn of the very first ARRL web site

73, Howard, WB2ITX

On 10/30/2019 7:02 PM, Mark J Tharp wrote:
Anyone know of a way to identify actual new members, rather than a combination of new and renewed as this report returns? I have never been able to find this data, so after 16 years, decided to ask..   :)

Mark, HDX

Howard E. Michel, WB2ITX
Chief Executive Officer
ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio® 
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA
Telephone: +1 860-594-0404