If you click the "What's This?" link right next to the RSS button, you get an explanation:


RSS Syndication

Current ARRLWeb headlines can be accessed in RSS format at http://www.arrl.org/arrl.rss

An explanation of what RSS is used for can be found on the Web.


If you click on the "explanation" link on that page, which points to http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/12/18/dive-into-xml.html, you get a detailed explanation of the RSS format and why it is commonly used to distribute news on the internet.  It's too much information to paste into this e-mail.

At 05:59 AM 11/22/2004, you wrote:
On the ARRL web page I see a new button whose function I don't understand.
At the left side of the the aqua-colored box that says "Amateur Radio News"
(above the news stories) there is a little rectangular red button that says
"RSS." If I click on it, I get a page of html source code that lists a bunch
of the news story titles. Anybody know what this button is supposed to be
doing? 73 - Kay N3KN

Andy Oppel, N6AJO
Vice Director, Pacific Division, ARRL

home:  (510) 864-2299
cell:     (510) 910-1508