Dear ODV and Candidates:

After ballots for the current election cycles in the Southeastern and West Gulf Divisions were printed and mailing had begun, we discovered a small error in one of the dates on the informational handout included in the ballot packet.

In item #5 of the bullet points, you will see that for a ballot to be valid it must be received at the accounting firm CohnReznick LLP not later than noon on November 15, 2019.  This information and date is correct.

In item #6, the date that ballot envelopes are held by the accounting firm is incorrectly shown. The actual item should read:
6. Ballot envelopes are held unopened at CohnReznick LLP until November 15th.

In order to clarify any uncertainty with the voting members, a post card will be sent to all voting members in the two divisions where balloting is occurring explaining the date problem and reaffirming the correct date of Friday November 15, 2019.

This does not represent a change in the procedures or time-frame used for years.  It is simply correcting the date to show that ballots are held by CohnReznick until delivery to the ARRL for counting on the third Friday of November, which is the traditional date they are tabulated and winners determined. CohnReznick LLP will continue to hold all ballots until they are delivered on Friday November 15th, 2019, when they will be opened and counted.

Rod Blocksome, K0DAS
Chair Ethics & Election Committee