In Dave’s recent “It
Seems To Us” he suggested there are three
guiding principles behind the Bandwidth Proposal:
1) If Amateur Radio is
too thrive and hold its own against competing Commercial attempts to grab or
frequencies we need FCC rules changes that can stand the test of time for at
least 5 to 10 years.
2) Amateur HF operating patterns and technology
are shifting. As they evolve the FCC Rules need to accommodate both that change
and current uses.
3) The FCC rules and system
for modifying the Rules are to slow and inflexible to meet necessary changes.
Up to now the focus hasn’t been on the reasons why the Proposal
is needed. The discussion has been Hijacked by the Pro
and Anti Winlink zealots and the Pro and Anti
automatic and semi-automatic zealots. So long as we continue to let them frame
the message and dictate the discussion we can forget about any meaningful
consideration of reasons for the Bandwidth Proposal.
The purpose of the proposal was to strengthen and protect the Amateur
Radio Service. The purpose of the proposal was to provide a means to evolve cooperatively
to meet and adjust to changes. The purpose was to………..
Either we figure out what our purpose is and how to frame the message
and discussion and take back the discussion or we are consigning ourselves to a
Summer of
moderating a “Winlink Rules”,
“Winlink is the Devil” shouting match
with no resolution in sight.. (If you prefer you can insert “automatic/semi-automatic
operation” for Winlink in the prior sentence.)
Let’s get the discussion back on the reasons behind the Proposal.
Let’s move the spotlight to the reasons for the Proposal and make it
clear the Winlink and automatic/semi-automatic
discussion are on the periphery not the center of the discussions. If we can’t
do that, let’s move on to something we can do.