This is an interim report of the CEO Search Committee. This email provides information on the process we will be taking as well as information on outreach activities.
The intent of the CEOSC is to provide finalists to the Directors at or around the July meeting.
Process (subject to modification as necessary in the future):
- The Committee will review application materials and will winnow the applications down to those who will undergo telephone interviews. We expect this process to be complete approximately the first week of
June. The preferred application deadline is May 31. That is not a hard close, so if applications are received after that date we can consider them as appropriate.
- Remaining applicants will undergo telephone interviews by Committee members. Each applicant will be randomly assigned two Committee members who will arrange to independently call the applicant and conduct
a phone interview. While alternative mechanisms such as Skype are possible, it is important to treat all remaining applicants in a consistent manner. The Committee will consider using Skype (or similar) only in the event that all remaining applicants and
all Committee members can utilize the same technology.
- After the phone interviews, the Committee will meet by phone to identify the finalists. While the number will be dependent on the remaining pool, the Committee is anticipating that there will be approximately
three finalists. We expect this phase of the process will be completed by about the end of June.
- The timing and process of the final phase is a bit more uncertain as it depends on the finalists, their availability, and their relative strengths/weaknesses. At this time, the plan is for the Committee
to arrive in Hartford early in the week of the July Board meeting to conduct face-to-face interviews with the remaining candidates. After further deliberations, the Committee would present one or more candidates to the Directors for consideration at the July
Board meeting.
- The position has been advertised in the April and May QSTs.
- There was an article in the ARRL Letter last week. There will be a similar story on the news crawl next week. We plan to have another mention in the ARRL Letter
and the news crawl somewhere around the first or second week of May.
As was the case last time, we have engaged Buxton and Associates to assist with identifying qualified candidates who are hams for the position. They have provided some candidates and more are expected.
- Directors and Vice Directors are urged to get the word out to their constituents and/or interested individuals via club meetings and other in-person events as well as newsletters or other relevant communications.
If you have questions, please send them to Rick Niswander at
The CEO Search Committee
Jim Boehner, N2ZZ
Kermit Carlson, W9XA
Rick Niswander, K7GM, Chair
Greg Widin, K0GW
David Woolweaver, K5RAV
Frederick (Rick) Niswander, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA
Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858