For Barry’s - click “not spam” and you did your part training the machine :)


On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 10:23 AM Mark J Tharp <> wrote:
I checked and my GMail spam folder has 16 of these spoofy emails.
And also includes Barrys email about it!

Mark, HDX
(GMail user since 2007)


On Tue, Mar 3, 2020 at 7:10 AM <> wrote:
The reason you may have gotten them is because they did pass SPF checks and beyond that, Yahoo is pretty weak with spam filtering.

SPF is Sender Policy Framework where the sending domain has a text record that says that only certain mail servers can send e-mail from that domain. It makes spoofing harder.

Except where SPF passes for some reason. In this case it did.

In the headers it is unclear as to whether or not PObox, our spam filtering service failed OR if the sender used a hijacked or rented email server.

If it’s the former we should remedy this, but if it’s the latter there is nothing we can do.

No spam filter is 100% effective but Google uses AI and ML (machine learning) with its neural network which is why it filters out nearly all spam.

When in doubt, delete, hover over links and if it looks suspicious it probably is. 

Ria, N2RJ 
(GMail user since 2004)

On Mon, Mar 2, 2020 at 9:22 PM Richard Norton via arrl-odv <> wrote:
Today I received seven messages, sent to , advising me that I have some number of "pending messages from your organization." Although the messages appear to come from something called "Arrl Message Center," they come from an address in Japan.

The messages have a link that says "Review Messages to release or block them."

I have not clicked on that link as this looks suspiciously like a scam that might infect my computer.

Have any of the rest of you received them? Has anyone clicked on the link? Anything happen?


Dick, N6AA
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