Thank you, Dave. The story about upcoming testimony correctly commends the Amateurs who met with Rep. King. Such in-person contacts are important and have been an element of our grass-roots program from day one. I look forward to the day, which has not arrived yet, when Rep. King will issue a public statement saying that he no longer advocates the section of the bill that's a problem for us, and when he will provide us with a copy of a message to that effect from him to Chairman Walden for the committee of jurisdiction for reference during any markup session that may take place. Reassurances off the record and oral comments to constituents do not cut the mustard. I know the Amateurs who met with Rep. King took in good faith whatever he said to them, though the way legislation travels through Congress is more complicated than they apparently supposed. I wish they had consulted someone before going public. I wish that people who hold ARRL positions would not take public pot shots at the organization they represent, but if they do, the League's media will not respond in kind. King's office needs to make a statement on the record, and I continue to find it puzzling and dismaying that they will not do it. 73 - Kay N3KN