The ARRL Board of Directors recently voted to create a special Life Membership opportunity for individuals who are at least 70 years old. Starting on June 1, the Life 70+ Membership will be available to individuals who have turned 70 and have a combined 25 years of paid annual ARRL membership.
Life 70+ Members receive all benefits of an annual membership, including their choice of print magazine delivery (QST or On the Air), and digital access to these publications, plus the digital versions of QEX and National Contest Journal (NCJ). In addition, each Life 70+ Member will receive a Life Member pin and a window decal and may purchase an exclusive Life Member plaque.
Qualifying members selecting this level of membership will enjoy the convenience of having to make a single payment for their entire tenure as an ARRL Member and not be subject to any future ARRL dues increase.
To apply for Life 70+ membership, individuals must complete the special Life 70+ Member application — available on June 1 — and submit proof of date of birth, if this information is not already on file with ARRL. The Life 70+ membership fee must be made in a single payment. Past membership dues payments will not apply toward Life 70+ Membership, but a credit will be applied for applicants who paid their dues in full between April 1 and May 31, 2020.
Life 70+ Membership Dues Rates
ARRL reserves the right to change or substitute the benefits, products, or services associated with a member's original Life 70+ Member package at any time during the membership. Dues are non-refundable.
Life 70+ membership applications will be available for download beginning on June 1.