Hi all: As the year comes to an end, I'd like to ask for you to make a donation to the League if you haven’t alreadydone so this year. Only half of the Boardmembers have made a donation thus far. We can do better than that. A big thanks to thosewho have already given. Thank you! As volunteers, we contributeour time and effort, but it’s also important for us to be able to say that allBoard members have made a monetary donation. One of the first questions we are often asked when seeking donations, in particular from major donors, is whether allBoard members have given. That’s a good question. How can we ask someone to make a donationwhen we haven’t done so ourselves? Wemust set an example. I've made my annualdonation. I am asking you to please dothe same. To make a donation, click on the link below: https://www.arrl.org/arrl-donation-form Please help us achieve100% ARRL Board participation. Take a few minutes this week and make adonation! Help set an example. Thanks. 73 Rick - K5UR