14 SEP 2008 - 1157 CDT
By the time it finally stops raining in the Chicago area early tomorrow
morning, I will have probably received 12" of rain in 48 hours. Yesterday,
St. Charles, IL received 7.90" of rain and apparently was the largest
number officially recorded in the Chicago area. We have a full basement
with two finished rooms - one of them being my radio station and computer-
central. So far, Judy and I are dry with both sump pumps in good working
order. But I'm keeping a close eye on the situation as the remnants of
Hurricane Ike pass over us today with 2 to 4" additional rain.
What is usually the largest hamfest in Chicago area, the two-day CFMC Radio
Expo, will be a financial wash-out when it closes in the next hour or so.
I attended yesterday and the attendance was about 20 percent of normal and
Vice Director Howard Huntington is attending today.
With all this said, the WX could be far worse with wind and thunderstorms.
Localized severe flooding appears to be the major problem in NE Illinois.
73 - Dick, W9GIG