Brian and Harold, Until just a few minutes ago (Sunday evening) I had not been able to find ODV or to get it to work. I do not see it displayed o any of my menus and have to do a search for it. Last Friday I finally found it when I did a search but none of the buttons appeared to work. Well now they do, but S L O W L Y....... very slowly. Friday I wanted to send my April newsletter to member and a send a message to Katie asking if the feature had yet be enabled. I see now it is. 73 de Frank....N2FF....... Brian Mileshosky wrote:
Harold --
Sorry to spam everyone; just letting it be known what I found in case someone else already mentioned it.
I think there's still an issue with the Field Appointees database. I recently looked up how many Field Appointees we have for my Rocky Mountain Division survey presentation. In 2007 (last time the survey was held) ODV reported we had 312 field appointees. In looking up the numbers this weekend, ODV is reporting 363 in Colorado, 217 in New mexico, 141 in Utah, and 98 in Wyoming. I wish my Division had 819 volunteers serving in the Field, but I think there's reason to suspect the data (either today's data, or the data back in 2007). Something to look at (and I'll need an accurate count per Section for my presentation, please).
On another note, I am finding that ODV is very slow to access. It takes about 20 seconds for ODV to appear once I click on the link to access it. It takes about the same amount of time to access the membership database from ODV's homepage. About the same to access the membership stats page from the ODV homepage. Navigating around ODV, for some reason, is pretty time consuming compared to the rest of the site.
73, Brian N5ZGT
On Wed, 21 Apr 2010, Kramer, Harold, WJ1B wrote:
Even though many of you have all been looking at it for two or three months and staff members longer than that, the new Web site has now been live to the world for 8 days. We have been working diligently to correct problems that occur whenever a Web site of this complexity and size is launched. Most of these issues involve correcting the data imports from the old site to the new site. Content updates and corrections are happening as we find them through our new content management system that allows us to make these changes easily on most pages.
The biggest concerns have been with data and functionality particularly with the Field Organization, Education and Clubs. We have prioritized these items and we are working on the most needed and requested first. We have made progress in each of these areas although, it has not been as rapid as we would all like. Some items, because of their complexity and, because of the available number of resources that we can put to the task, may take a few more weeks to bring on-line, so thanks in advance for your patience and keep any eye out for updates.
If you are a Board Member or SM and still have permission, data or editing problems, please let us know. URLs and screen captures are helpful to let us pinpoint the problem. Send this information to me and Katie Glass, KGlass@arrl.org Thanks for all of your feedback and comments to this point.