For what it’s worth, here is my take on the current controversy.

In reading the email argument regarding the upcoming Special Board Meeting I am struck by how this reeks of being a manufactured complaint timed in such a way as to intentionally throw a monkey wrench into the proceeding.  More so, the argument as stated yesterday by Directors Frenaye, Tiemstra, Abernethy, and Vice-Directors Raisbeck, McIntyre, and Stratton seems to come straight out of the my-arrl-voice playbook.

I do not think that moving the ARRL back to a 1960’s mindset is where we should be moving.  I agree with Director Pace’s assessment of the situation, as well as with President Roderick.  I will vote accordingly.


73 de Mike N2YBB

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Mike Lisenco, N2YBB
Director, Hudson Division
Chairman, ad hoc Legislative Advocacy Committee
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio™