Very pleased to learn you and the office are OK.
Much of Ohio was hit with strong straight-line winds as well as wind sheer late
yesterday. Many downed trees and antennas along with power
outages and some structural damage throughout the state. I
was quite lucky and had just one tree downed, but saw no damage to my
antennas. With the exception that one free-standing sun umbrella blew
over, the winds didn't even effect the outdoor furniture on my
deck. It was a rather strange encounter with nature.
Jim Weaver,
Director, Great Lakes
5065 Bethany
Mason, OH
ARRL: The reason
Amateur Radio Is
Members: The reason
You are probably aware that the National Capital Region was hit
by an intense squall line last night, resulting in widespread damage and ongoing
power outages.
I am pleased to report that the ARRL office in Fairfax is
intact and its contents undamaged. However, the power is out, as is
Verizon phone and internet service. There is no estimate on restoration
time, as the damage is still being assessed.
I will report as utilities
come back online, and apologize for not reporting earlier. I made the inspection
this morning, and have just now obtained a usable cell phone signal.
de Brennan N4QX