Art, I have absolutely no intention of defending Mr. Kerry, but just having a phone line does not make DSL or even dial-up readily and economically available. I suspect rural Indiana and Ohio are no different from most of the other states, although a bit better off than some people in the hills and broad plains. DSL most likely is not available to what truly is rural America -- too far from the switch. Dial-up is available, but many rural areas can use it only with long distance calls. Wireless, ad we know it, forever! Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL; http://www.arrl.org/ 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! MEMBERS: The reason ARRL Is! -----Original Message----- From: Art Goddard [mailto:w6xd@comcast.net] Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 4:30 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:11412] From a Regional Source... John Kerry is live on Las Vegas CH 3 making a speech to the AARP convention being held here. He just said he supports BPL as a means of getting the internet to rural areas so kids can have a better education and wants to push its installation and use. Why do they need BPL? If they have a phone line they can use dial-up or DSL. But the point is he wants to push BPL. This is not meant to be a political statement, I am just relaying what I have just heard with my own ears off my T.V. concerning his stand on BPL. I normally watch the CH 3 News at Noon program but today it was pre-empted for Kerry's speech. FYI FWIW. Please no Flames, remember, its not nice to kill the messenger. 73